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How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Sun 22 Jun, 2014 7:09 pm

Dear folks - hoping you can help with this question. I've been a long time lurker on the forum and have enjoyed reading about all your Tasmanian bushwalks and looking at some of the resulting photos!

Just had a great few days bushwalking around Cradle Mountain. I've lived in Tas all my life but that was my first ever trip to CM - it's a bit embarrassing to admit it!

Anyway I was hoping one of you may be able to tell me how close my wife and I came to the summit of Cradle Mountain from this picture. Sorry it was the only one I was able to snap at the time as my hands weren't working very well from the cold. We'd arrived at Kitchen Hut quite keen to attempt the summit even though there was a small amount of low cloud obscuring the top. We both agreed that we would head back down if the conditions weren't favourable approaching the summit. Anyway approaching the top the low cloud became more dense and the wind was picking up and it was becoming very cold. I think we very sensibly decided to head back down just after I took the picture - that's my wife leaning against the rocks. There is obviously a higher spot looming through the cloud. I've googled some summit pictures and it appears there may be a small saddle before a final ascent? My guess is we may have been 20-50 metres from the top...

Thanks in advance!


Re: How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Sun 22 Jun, 2014 8:48 pm

You look to be about to drop down through the last gully, there is then a short steep climb (usually requiring both hands for a few steps/moves) and around on to the small summit plateau. Not far, 15mins..
Close enough I reckon :wink:

Re: How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Sun 22 Jun, 2014 9:00 pm

Thanks for the reply Nuts! Can't wait to head back on a clear day. Even thought we didn't make the summit we had a great time!

Re: How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Mon 23 Jun, 2014 12:15 pm

Summit line.jpg
This picture is taken from the summit block. You were down the gully, just out of view, approximately where the arrow is.

Or referring to your pic., ahead of you in the mist, is a sloping basin that you have to sidle before ascending steeply onto the summit block. I'd agree with Nuts - it would've taken you about 15 minutes. Unless of course it was full of snow, which it was on the October day I was climbing it. I managed to slip on a steep snowy bit and somersault backwards before sliding head first down a chute :shock: Thankfully my day pack hit rocks before my head did, and I lived to walk another day. :D

It is a great summit. Better luck next time knock_lofty!



Re: How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Mon 23 Jun, 2014 4:46 pm

Thanks very much for your reply Peter. Good to know we were quite close to the top! I would certainly be hesitant going up there if it was covered in snow or if it was damp. Even though the rocks were dry when we went up there last week they were still slippery in places.

I'm looking forward to standing up the top one day and admiring THAT view!

Thanks again for taking the time to reply and for posting the arrow on your picture - much appreciated!

Re: How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Thu 26 Jun, 2014 2:57 pm

Here's a couple that show the gully from where you were and looking back from the other side. The high point to the right (in the second pic) is Smithies Peak which is about 20m below the true summit height of Cradle to give you an idea of how much up there was to go

Re: How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Thu 26 Jun, 2014 4:52 pm

Dear Horsecat - thanks for taking the time to post those pictures - thay are very much appreciated. It is good to see exactly where we were positioned! I will endeavour to 'summit' next time!

Re: How far were we from the summit of Cradle Mountain?

Thu 26 Jun, 2014 5:21 pm

No probs mate. Congrats on having the sense to turn around in the bad weather
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