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Wed 21 Mar, 2018 5:00 pm
That's right. There are showers, not rain, so there must be gaps between showers where you won't get wet.
The 10 to 25 mm means there is a 25% chance that you will get less than 10mm rain where you are. Or a 25% chance you will received more than 25mm in a given spot in that area.
Wed 21 Mar, 2018 5:58 pm
MrWalker wrote:The 10 to 25 mm means there is a 25% chance that you will get less than 10mm rain where you are. Or a 25% chance you will received more than 25mm in a given spot in that area.
Almost, but not quite right.
Forecast 10-25mm means a 50% chance of at least 10mm and a 25% chance of at least 25mm. So there's a 50% chance of receiving 10mm or more and a 25% chance of receiving 25mm or more.
I'm being pedantic because I never knew this was how to interpret the figures, and now I do. Thanks.
http://media.bom.gov.au/social/blog/209/right-as-rain-how-to-interpret-the-daily-rainfall-forecast/Edit; Sorry, when I re-read your post it is also correct. Damn mathematics.
Wed 21 Mar, 2018 6:46 pm
Still means we're going to get wet
Oh well.. hopefully it clears up a little later in the week for at least a day or two
Thu 22 Mar, 2018 7:02 am
now we have RAIN
Thu 22 Mar, 2018 7:53 am
'Most likely in the morning and afternoon'..
Thu 22 Mar, 2018 8:22 am
Nuts wrote:'Most likely in the morning and afternoon'..

LOL.. yeah thanks BOM

- at least it will be dry at night
we've got a few spare days up our sleeve so may just do Ronny Creek to Windermere on Sat.. dry out on Sunday at the hut and then head out to Pelion on Monday.. we'll see
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