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Sun 04 Nov, 2018 5:19 am
Does anyone know...
...if any of the hotels/lodges/campground would be willing to hold a package for about a week?
Sun 04 Nov, 2018 11:29 am
Not at Cradle but I had the Derwent Bridge Hotel hold a bag for me as I had booked a room for the end of the olt. I expect properties around Cradle would do the same if you have a booking.
Mon 05 Nov, 2018 12:26 pm
Penguin-Cradle? I'd think Highlanders Cabins would probably be the best bet (if you are planning on booking accommodation as well). If you are using a transport provider, at all, those that regularly service Cradle Mt. might be able to deliver on the day?
Fri 09 Nov, 2018 5:59 am
Thanks for the responses.
I was hoping for a definitive answer but I'll ask directly myself as the time approaches. As a backup I suppose I can just go hide a plastic bucket in the bush but that's more of a bother.
Sun 11 Nov, 2018 5:29 pm
Not aware of any public lockers yet.. what do you want, phone numbers?

Aside from perhaps the hotels the other businesses/ staff are friendly & helpful.
Tue 13 Nov, 2018 8:33 am
I thought maybe I'd get a response or two from people who had done this before at Cradle. That's all. Of course I can call, and I will. I just tend to fret over small details that I can't resolve immediately. :-)
Sat 02 Feb, 2019 7:25 pm
FWIW, the people at Discovery Park campground (where I had a reservation) were just fine with holding a box for me for a week.
Fri 08 Feb, 2019 2:13 pm
When I did the Penguin Cradle into the Overland, TassieLink delivered a box to the visitor's centre for me, and they held it 'till I arrived.
Of course, I'd called them beforehand to check this was alright.
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