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Fri 30 Oct, 2009 5:49 pm
hi folks,
i'm new to this forum and new to tasmania as well. before i post my question, i just wanna say that this is a very useful and informative forum. thanks..
i'm planning a trip on Nov 12th ( or thereabouts ) and i plan on walking into scott kilvert hutt ( from Dove Lake car park right at the end of Lake Dove Road at the northen end of Dove lake ) , staying there for 2 nights and then walking back out again.
i have several questions...
1)Am i allowed to park my campervan at Dove Lake car park ( right at the end of Lake Dove Road at the northen end of Dove lake) for 2 nights whilst i'm doing my walk?
2)whats the easiest route from Dove Lake car park to Scott kilvert hut and back out again?
i read from the forum that the walk over hanson's peak is tough and there is a possibility that there might be no chains to hold onto. i also read that the FACE TRACK is a tough walk. so i was just wondering what would be the easiest way in and out. if possible , i hope to go in and out by different routes.
3)does anyone know where i can find a good online map of the area between Ronny Creek and Waterfall Valley Hut? i only found the one at
http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=8084 but this one doesnt even show where Face Track is (although i think i might know where it is) or Ballroom Forest etc...If anyone has a garmin map of the area, so much the better....
4)is there running water over at Scott Kilvert hut that i can boil and drink?
ok, many thanks,
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 6:06 pm
Hey, A few answers...
1. Campervans above 2500kg are not allowed in the park at all and Parks do not want people leaving cars at Dove Lake on over night walks as the car parks fill up early. On top of this it is very easy to park at the transit Terminal and jump on a Shuttle Bus.
2. Easiest route in my opinion would be from Dove lake to Marions Lookout via the Wombat Pool, then from Marions to the Face track and on to Scott-Kilvert.
In my opinion the Hanson's Peak track is not at all tough, but these things are relative. There is definately no chain to hold on to at the moment. If you can step up onto a ledge two feet high and are not afraid of heights you will be fine (I took a man up there last week for his 69th B'day). if I were doing this walk I would go via Hanson's.
3. No
4.Plenty of water (this is tasmania remember)
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 6:26 pm
Also I had a quick look at that map and it does show the face track. It's the one that you see beneath lake wilks on that map. It cuts off from the overland track just after the Kitchen Hut. Awesome track. The Ballroom Forest is in the South West corner of Dove Lake.
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 6:37 pm
Facetrack. oh well, an 8 yr old boy could do it. I dont see how hard it can be. but then again, that's one wonder boy there
Actually speaking, it's not that tough from what I can recall.
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 6:40 pm
It's about as easy as Bushwalking gets. Basically flat.
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 6:52 pm
As mentioned there are three main ways to Scott-Kilvett Hut in addition to the one mentioned. I have done all three and the fastest is Hanson Peak which is a bit airy for about twenty metres with the rest being walking. No great problems when the chain is there but not some thing I would recommend if snow or ice is around nor if a strong wind with driving rain is happening. Without the chain it would be on all fours and easier going up than down from a physiological perspective but physically easier going down.
Connecting with the Face Track from Lake Wilks is very much up in places but without snow is quite doable due to chains to hold on to if you are not so comfortable with heights. In snow the face track can be quite challenging and I skidded off it so bit more careful now.
The "safest" way is around the back of Hasons Peak and takes you past Twisted Lakes which is well worth seeing. The only problem with this approach it is the longest and wettest but in my opinion the prettiest.
As long as you are not pushed for time and do not mind going up steep hills all ways have their merits. For scenic value and all but snow conditions I would recommend around the back of Hansons and then back along the Face Track and make your decision at the junction of Lake Wilks track. If your knees hurt then head to Kitchen Hut but if you are going fine then well worth dropping down to Lake Dove and the Ballroom Forest.
Cheers Brett
Fri 30 Oct, 2009 7:56 pm
The Quickest up over Hansons( not good in poor weather) and hairy sans chain hand grip assist over the worst part .
The most Scenic up to Hanson Saddle over the back via Lake Hanson and up past Twisted Lakes bit muddy but nice.
The easiest route IMHO, Ballroom Forest track and up past Lake Wilks then on to the Face Track (take care in snow),chain assisted on the hardest climb.
Via Marions ,Cradle Plateau to Kitchen Hut then on the Face Track may be a tad long if you have a bit of weight on your back for your two nights.
Hope this helps
Fri 06 Nov, 2009 6:43 am
hi folks,
thanks for the amazing load of information, really appreciate it.
this is what i'l do... i'l print out all these emails, get a detailed map from the visitor center when i get there, look up at the sky to guage the weather, THEN decide which path to take.
so, if u see a guy walking around cradle mountain national park with wad of tasmania.bushwalk.com emails in his hands next week, that be me.
thanks again.

now i gotta go find out where this transit center is ...
Fri 06 Nov, 2009 8:14 am
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Ent on Tue 16 Nov, 2010 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fri 06 Nov, 2009 6:26 pm
Not very accurate Brett, the transit terminal (TT) is the first PWS building you come to as you are driving in - it is attached to a Federal hotels cafe and fuel station and very hard to miss as it is surrounded by buses.
Further down the road is the Visitors Center and shop.
Unfortunately you can no longer take the shuttle from the VC into the Park so you must start at the TT!
Get this - if you walk to the VC there is a bus that now takes you back up the road to the TT, where you get a ticket, get back on the bus and are taken back down the same road, past the VC and downn to the lake. There are reasons behind this but it just seems so.....weird
Fri 06 Nov, 2009 10:00 pm
The modern world is amazing!
Do you ahave to pay to get on the shuttle bus yet? Can't see that being far away.
Fri 06 Nov, 2009 10:46 pm
wello wrote:The modern world is amazing!
Indeed it is, maybe especially in Tassie!?
wello wrote: Do you ahave to pay to get on the shuttle bus yet?
Not yet, but with the current state of PWS budget, no doubt they're thinking about it.
Sat 07 Nov, 2009 7:20 pm
Actually prior to the Park pass price increases you did have to pay for the shuttle bus if you had a 24 hour pass and it cost $7.50. Now that they have increased the prices the shuttle bus is included.
Mon 09 Nov, 2009 9:19 am
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Last edited by
Ent on Tue 16 Nov, 2010 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fri 13 Nov, 2009 7:08 pm
About a week ago or so Brett.
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