Discussion specifically about the Overland Track should be posted in this subforum, including side trips and the Cradle Mountain day walk area. Alternative access routes and connecting routes belong in the parent forum.
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Overland Track App An electronic guidebook for planning and walking the Overland Track.
Download this app for loads of information about planning, gear, food, accommodation and much more about the Overland Track.
You will also find topo maps, terrain profiles and track notes for offline use.
$10 --
Discount to $3 until December 15
Sun 17 Jan, 2010 2:45 pm
I am (very) new to bushwalking and am thinking about doing the Overland Track at the end of February. Ok its a little ambitous for my first multi day walk but you have to start somewhere!
1. How is the weather going to be in February?
2. What type of sleeping bag will we need in that weather?
3. I'm guessing we need to get waterproof jackets and pants. Any specific recommendations?
4. What are the other options besides freeze dried food for lunch and dinner?
5. Do you need more than the available maps for navigation? Is GPS recommended?
Very naive questions I'm sure---- but figure if I do the research and am properly prepared, then the trip will be doable...
Thanks so much!
Sun 17 Jan, 2010 3:41 pm
sahgal79 - you have come to the right place to get started on your research. I note that you joined a bit over an hour ago ,so most likely haven't dug very deeply into the information on this site yet. Try doing global site searches for the particular points you have listed. You will find pretty well all of your questions will be answered. Spend a bit of time going through the site and collect the info you think you need, then if you need more detailed information post your questions back here. Have fun exploring and planning - that's all part of the fun of the experience. You will come across a link to f
rank_in_oz's ebook on his blog site
http://ourhikingblog.com.au/ which has been helpful to many, plus the Tassie Parks website has a lot of info.
Sun 17 Jan, 2010 4:08 pm
Tasman is right, do more reading, the answers are available (most likely from this site)...
Parks website has info on the OT, weather, profiles etc. and you will get a tracknotes booklet with the info pack.
Weather in February will likely be dry & warm but could be like the weather in July... (it might be 'comforting' to listen to someone give you a more definite answer but beware)
You shouldnt need a GPS (Id suggest an easier track to start on if you feel one is necessary...)
Just so you know, terrain and weather can often lead to 'newbies' saying that even this track is Harder than anticipated.
Thu 21 Jan, 2010 8:31 am
Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.
Just one question--- The TassieLink Bus doesnt seem to run on Sundays. Is there a way to get to Cradle Mountain from Launceston without paying exorbitant charges for a taxi on that day?
Fri 22 Jan, 2010 6:28 am
have a look at:
http://www.outdoortasmania.com.au/ they might be able to help you.
Fri 22 Jan, 2010 11:48 am
I've used them and happy to recommend. Very helpful, bushwalker friendly and knowledgeable. Not cheap though unless quite a few people are sharing the costs.
Fri 22 Jan, 2010 12:01 pm
You could also ask the forummembers
here and maybe there is someone going that way at the same time you want to go
Fri 22 Jan, 2010 12:08 pm
When you book for the overland (
https://bookings.overlandtrack.com.au/o ... etails.asp) there is an option (I think) to get the Overland Track information pack. This contains lots of useful information.
Its also available here
http://shop.parks.tas.gov.au/productinf ... =19&cat=16
Fri 22 Jan, 2010 3:06 pm
Hi Sid - long-term weather averages for Cradle Valley are available at
http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/ ... 6005.shtml That will give you a rough guide to what you might expect (bearing in mind that anything can happen in Tassie weather, and esp. up there!)
Another useful way to prepare might be to listen to the Overland Track podcasts I helped prepare for Parks. They give a day-by-day, blow-by-blow description of the walk, incl. preparations. They're downloadable from
http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=7715Happy (and well-prepared) walking,
Mon 08 Feb, 2010 2:23 pm
For future reference, in case any one wants to take the bus on Sunday,
http://www.mcdermotts.com.au/ provides that option
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