Overland Track on Christmas Day?

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Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby handstroy » Thu 31 Oct, 2013 2:51 pm

This is my first trip to Overland Track and my friend and I booked flight and the Track 6 months ago.

My flight is from Melbourne to Launceston on 25 Dec , we arrive around 8:40am.
And we booked Overland Track on the same day.
Yes, now I know it is very stupid idea.
Because now I found there is no bus service or any public transportation on Christmas day.
I don't want to hire a car more than $1000 just to go there. :(

I am wondering if I am lucky enough to find solution here.
1) Car pool
Is anyone go to Cradle Mountain in Christamas day?

2) Private pickup service
Does anyone know who has nothing to do on Christamas morning, wants to drive, and make some money?

Any advice is welcome. Please help us..
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby Pongo » Fri 01 Nov, 2013 10:09 am

Have you checked to see if one of the charter services would take you? McDemotts run a decent price, pretty competitive compared to the public busses tbh:


Otherwise, bite the bullet, move your flight a day or two and enjoy a few more days on the trail. Perhaps Christmas lunch at the top of Ossa... There are some old school photos floating around here with just that - bottle of red among other things.
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby simonm » Fri 01 Nov, 2013 11:19 am

PM sent
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby Onestepmore » Sun 10 Nov, 2013 4:02 pm

I know it's not quite the same, but if you can get transport, make sure you pack a special lunch! I found a clip of two guys in the UK who had Xmas lunch in a wild camp in a tent. I'll see if I can find it. Hubby and I will be somewhere in a walk in Torres del Paine in Chile. I'm bringing a special mini plum pudding (customs permitting - we may need to eat it at the airport!) in my backpack, some brandy in a flask and some shortbread biccies.
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby red4kev » Thu 21 Nov, 2013 5:34 pm

Hey, new to this. I'm moving to Hobart on Sunday (25th Nov) but I'm looking to do The Overland track on Christmas and through to New Years. I'm travelling by myself and just wondering if anyone would have any spaces for joining a group? If anyone has any info on this let me know or if you have any questions about myself just say!
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby simonm » Thu 21 Nov, 2013 6:49 pm

red4kev wrote:Hey, new to this. I'm moving to Hobart on Sunday (25th Nov) but I'm looking to do The Overland track on Christmas and through to New Years. I'm travelling by myself and just wondering if anyone would have any spaces for joining a group? If anyone has any info on this let me know or if you have any questions about myself just say!

Hey mate,

If you have transport I would send handstroy a PM as I know she is still looking for assistance to get to the OT from Launceston on Xmas day.
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby red4kev » Thu 21 Nov, 2013 6:54 pm

I have no transport! This is why it has been hard for me to find someone else to join. Everyone seems to be on the same problem as myself.
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby simonm » Thu 21 Nov, 2013 7:14 pm

That is a bit of a bugger. Welcome to Tassie anyway.
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby Bubbalouie » Thu 21 Nov, 2013 9:58 pm

A car can be hired in Launceston for about $250 for a bit over a week from budget. If you get a few people together that'll get you to the start on the cheap. If possible (say 3-4 people) you could hire 2 cars, and go via Derwent bridge where you leave one of the two cars. It's not the cheapest but it might be an option if you can organise a few people.

We were quoted >$400 for a bus by one company and the other wasn't willing to commit to much of anything. In the end hire cars were cheaper for us (we were getting one anyway) and gave us way more flexibility to see other things along the way. Your mileage may vary of course.
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Re: Overland Track on Christmas Day?

Postby handstroy » Tue 26 Nov, 2013 9:05 pm

Thanks for replys and messages. I talked to a taxi company and found out they operate on Christmas. The cost is around $250 they said. That's the last option I have. Yeah I am going!!
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