Overnight Temperatures

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Overnight Temperatures

Postby RTK » Thu 21 Aug, 2014 11:54 pm

OK. I know (I've read in many places) it can snow in summer. I've heard to be prepared for anything. Got it. At some level, however, we all bet on probabilities - if there's a 1% chance of -20 weather, I'm probably not bringing a -20 sleeping bag. That said, for the middle of March, what is the likely (for lack of a better word) low temperature overnight on the OT. (I am trying to decide what sleeping system to bring.) Thanks in advance.

RtK (Returning to Katahdin)
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Re: Overnight Temperatures

Postby walkon » Fri 22 Aug, 2014 4:35 am

I have a bag that has a limit rating of -7 celcuis for my general alpine bushwalking which does me fine. I don't like being cold when I sleep
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Overnight Temperatures

Postby gayet » Fri 22 Aug, 2014 7:59 am

I've walked into New Pelion in early March in falling snow. Snow continued to fall overnight and it was rather cold. Take a bag a bit warmer than you think you will need. Its easier to cool down than to warm up
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Re: Overnight Temperatures

Postby philm » Fri 22 Aug, 2014 8:01 am

March in Tasmania is one of the best months for walking. I still can vary but I generally take a bag with a lower limit of -4 C.
Nights can be mild so you can always sleep in top of it and it the weather turns south then hop in!
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Re: Overnight Temperatures

Postby greyim » Mon 08 Sep, 2014 5:48 pm

Nothing beats a nice camp fire
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