Hobart to Cradle Mt - Bus?

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Hobart to Cradle Mt - Bus?

Postby Aztec » Thu 18 Aug, 2016 10:31 pm

Hi Guys,
It looks like my transport for getting to Cradle Mt from Hobart has fallen through...

What's the go for bussing there? What's best? TassieLink? Redline? something else?

I want to get to Cradle Mt in one go - no overnights in Launnie etc...

Any suggestions?

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Re: Hobart to Cradle Mt - Bus?

Postby findbuddha » Sat 27 Aug, 2016 12:42 pm

Not sure if you count this as bussing as it's on the more expensive side, but these are the options I found when I was looking for 'no-fuss' transport for my OLT trip at the end of the year.

http://outdoortasmania.com.au/pages/bus ... ervice.php
http://www.tasmanianhikes.com.au/bushwa ... sport.html
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Re: Hobart to Cradle Mt - Bus?

Postby South_Aussie_Hiker » Sun 28 Aug, 2016 9:54 am

My one criticism of the OLT setup is the transport - it's a mess.

I think the bus which goes the southern way overnights in Queenstown, so I don't see an easy solution to your problem.

If you absolutely have to be there same day, you could bus Hobart to Devon and then get a cab to cradle, the cab would be approx $180.

If you can still change your flights (even paying a fee), look at changing your flights into Launceston or Devonport if you can find travel options from there on those days.

Good luck!
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