Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

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Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby hoog » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 8:32 am

Hi all - We (a family of 4) are heading off on the Overland Track in a week or so for our very first (altogether) multi-day hike. I feel like I have done little but plan for this for about 6 months! That said, the rest of my group are super-fit whereas despite hill-walking every day for months & months, I am not in their league + have awful knees, so will be the slowest link. I'll be the one sitting at the intersections reading and waiting for them to return from Barn Bluff and Mt Ossa!! Our itinerary is fairly straightforward - 6 full days, 5 nights - BUT I do have a question about a possible alternate day one that I am hoping this forum can help me with: my main concern with the hike overall is that my knees hold out on the climb up - and down - Cradle Mountain. Is the track around the eastern side of Dove Lake, via Hansons Peak and Little Horn any less steep/easier to hike? The map(or my reading of it) indicates that it passes at a lower elevation, albeit the track looks slightly longer. On the same tangent - what is the advisability of hiking the track around the eastern side of Cradle Mountain via Rodway Lake and camping at Scott Culvert Memorial Hut rather than Waterfall Valley? Any advice much appreciated. :)
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby Mark F » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 10:13 am

The Scott Kilvert Hut route is a great alternative for really bad weather or a late start. For you however, the track especially from Scott Kilvert up to southern end of Cradle is much more overgrown and rough under foot. Knees are much more of a problem on descent rather than ascent. I would suggest you get a pair of hiking poles; they will take a useful amount of strain off your knees.
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby eggs » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 11:16 am

Knees are greatly assisted by 2 walking poles.
I agree that down seems a lot worse on the knees to me than up.
But if steep climbs are an issue, then there is a steep section up Hansons Peak. This can be avoided by going behind the peak and ascending up to Twisted Lakes.
However - that does add more down then up and the track is a lot rougher underfoot.
If you are using Hansons as an alternative to Marions Lookout, but then heading back to the OT along the Face Track - that is also a very rough route underfoot with a steep climb just before Little Horn.

Personally - I love the Lake Rodway area.
But you would need to weigh up the pluses and minuses
- via Lake Rodway - shorter day 1 walk, less climb, but rougher track. Very Steep [with chains] on final climb to Hanson - rest is pretty good. Means the Second day has a steep climb out and extra kms added to the walk from Waterfall Valley to Windamere. [Also rules out climbing Cradle on Day 1 - but could add Barn Bluff on day 2]

- via Hanson and Face Track - longer walk and much rougher track. Short steep part up Hanson [steeper but less height than the climb up Marions] and short climb section on Face track.
Ascending the short chain section to Hansons Peak

- Normal route up Marions - steep sustained climb up but good track thereafter. Longer day 1 distance to Waterfall Valley than to Lake Rodway. Can climb Cradle [or Barn bluff] as a side

- there is a fouth option that we took last year - from Lake Dove to the Face Track via Lake Wilks. That involves a steep climb past the Ballroom Forest and then a bench before another steep climb assisted by chains. But it is an alternative to Marions of similar length, the views are fantastic and still allows for Cradle to be climbed. A lesser climb and still worth while is the short pad up into the Cradle Saddle from the junction with the Face track for a view of the back of Cradle.
The chain section above Lake Wilks

View of Rodway valley from the Cradle saddle
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby whynotwalk » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 11:45 am

Marions Lookout is not too bad if you just take it at your own pace. You'll be puffing no matter how good or bad your knees are! But another option to consider is the Horse Track. This is longer but more gradual and less steep than either Marions or Hansons. You start as usual from Ronny Ck, climbing towards Crater Lake, but turn off to the right. It takes a wider arc west before meeting up with the main track before Kitchen Hut.

We took a 60 year old "newbie" up via Marions last week, telling him it would be the hardest climb of the week. By the end of the trip he reckoned he found other sections harder & esp. Mt Ossa (which your knees will thank you for NOT attempting) and some of the rooty forest sections.

A case of horses for courses (pardon the pun),



PS - I totally concur with eggs' recommendation: trekking poles will greatly help your knees.
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby Nuts » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 12:14 pm

You could use the 'Horse' track Hoog, a less steep alternate ascending to the west of Crater Lk.
These guys are of course right about the other options, the steep climbs (or longer distances) aren't really avoided.
Just to add (for intending Easter at SK parties), that Scott Kilvert hut is closed for now, for those heading in that way (I think P/W intend to get it open by the weekend, may want to check in).
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby north-north-west » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 1:47 pm

Nuts wrote:You could use the 'Horse' track Hoog, a less steep alternate ascending to the west of Crater Lk.

I was about to suggest that. Longer, but no steep climbs, and Crater is worth visiting. It's my favourite way up there.
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby hoog » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 10:55 pm

Thanks so much for the feedback. Horse Track sounds like the go for me. And I will whip into a camping store on the weekend and grab some walking poles. The only thing that has stopped me from buying them before now is the amount of flack I will get from my husband, but I guess I will just have to grin & bear it! Thanks again all :D
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby GerryDuke » Wed 12 Apr, 2017 11:11 pm

One factor to help make a decision. The fagus may well be turning when you are heading off. Very photogenic around Twisted Lakes beyond Hanson's Peak with Artist's Pool thrown in further on.
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby MrWalker » Thu 13 Apr, 2017 8:47 am

On a map it looks obvious that the overland track walks should start from Dove Lake, but for those carrying large packs, all routes from there are significantly harder than the more gradual climb from Ronny Creek.

Hansons Peak has a climb at least as hard as Marions Lookout and avoiding the peak by going via Lake Hanson is actually harder with a steep and rough descent, then a steep and rough climb up form the Lake. Then you still have a very steep and rough climb up to face track, or the admittedly picturesque route past Lake Rodway, with a steep and rough climb out of there.

The other routes from Dove Lake to the west side also have very steep climbs, except the route via Wombat Pool, which is more undulating and therefore has more total climb than the route from Ronny Creek.

With regard to fagus, if it is changing at the right time, Twisted Lakes and Lake Rodway are certainly great for fagus, but so is the Fury Gorge area, which you go past on the usual route to the west of Cradle Mt. So I suggest sticking with the suggested Horse track to Kitchen Hut, then after your friends climb Cradle Mt and you mind their packs, take the normal route to Waterfall Hut.
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby Mark F » Thu 13 Apr, 2017 9:29 am

hoog wrote:The only thing that has stopped me from buying them before now is the amount of flack I will get from my husband, but I guess I will just have to grin & bear it!

Threaten to whack him with one and he will soon stop :D
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby pazzar » Thu 13 Apr, 2017 10:04 am

I walked the track from Scott Kilvert Hut to the Cradle Cirque in late February. While it is not to the same standard of the Overland, it is still in pretty good condition. It is easy to follow, and contrary to what some may say, it is not overgrown. Sure there is some Baeura creeping around the edges of the track, but it is still very clear where your feet need to go, and it is not a trip hazard or a scrub bash. It is a great walk through there, and according to the Parks website, the hut will be open for use this weekend.
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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby dee_legg » Thu 13 Apr, 2017 1:58 pm

I've walked in the area a lot over the years and I reckon the easiest and most straight forward route between Ronny Creek and Waterfall Valley is via the standard route past Crater Lake, up Marion's and along to Kitchen Hut. Although Marions (and a short section beyond Crater Falls) is steep, the track is easy to follow and a lot of rock work ensures that you almost always have somewhere flat and sturdy to place your feet. The route has been well stepped too so there are few, if any, sections with awkwardly high steps. To me, this makes the route all the more attractive to anyone with uncertainty about their fitness or physical capabilities and this is why this route is used by guiding companies who often have guests who have done little (if any) bushwalking with a pack.

The Horse Track would be my second option.
I've always found the route over OR behind Hanson's Peak to be quite a lot rockier and undulating than the most direct route and I find the route via Scott-Kilvert to be quite a lot rougher (though still not a rough route by Tasmanian standards) and the section between the hut and the turn off on Cradle Cirque is a good deal steeper and 'rougher' than the equivalent climb up Marion's.

Enjoy the track. I miss it!

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Re: Day 1: Via Hanson's Peak rather than Marions Look-out

Postby Son of a Beach » Thu 13 Apr, 2017 2:51 pm

The Horse Track is a good option, but keep in mind that it is still moderately steep. Just not as steep as Marions.
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