Lake St Clair to Cradle

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Lake St Clair to Cradle

Postby bigwallclimber » Mon 24 Jun, 2019 11:41 am

Hi There Everyone,

We are walking the track again next year but planning on boating across on the ferry from Melbourne. I wanted to get some information from those in the know, how can we get back from Lake St Clair to Cradle ?

I have hit one company up and they have said it would be a 7 hour trip ?

Any companies that do this ?

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Re: Lake St Clair to Cradle

Postby Nuts » Mon 24 Jun, 2019 12:01 pm

It's a 3-31/2 hour drive from LSC-CM but a driver, from any city base, could easily take 7hrs to return. That's why, with just one or two people the price can appear excessive.. when it's actually not. There are a bunch of private companies that operate that route, no public option from LSC any more (or currently).
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