I bought a fabulously comfortable pair of Kathmandu suedy hiking boots for the OT last December, guaranteed to be waterproof, with Gore-Tex and waterproof lining, Vibrim sole, very squishy upper sole, so comfortable from the minute I put them on, although I knew they would not last as long as more rigid soled boots. The very first tiny puddle I walked in (when doing the right thing by keeping to the track, no matte how muddy),the boots filled up with enough water that I could pour it out like a waterfall every time I took them off. I returned the boots to Kathmandu, who gave me a new pair without hesitation, but even though they were comfortable I didn't like my feet being saturatingly wet for the duration of the walk. So now I am going to buy new boots, and would like some advice, please. I am 60 years old, 5 foot 3in, weigh about 70kgs, and carry a pack to about 18kg. I tend to stick to fairly reliable pathways, ie no boulder hopping. Thanks, Georgie
PS I know it is hard for you Tasmanians to have to pay to walk your own tracks, and I think you should be exempt from that payment, but I am amazed how cheap it was for us, considering we got to use the huts, and the toilet thingies are air lifted out to protect your amazing environment. As a visitor, I was happy to pay, knowing it is to maintain the huts and toilet service. G