Dove Lake - Track Closure

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Dove Lake - Track Closure

Postby rathnew » Sun 26 Feb, 2023 6:04 pm

According to an alert on the Parks & Wildlife website, looks like you can’t get to Glacier Rock from the Dove Lake car park until mid March. Their helpful suggestion is “All walkers wanting to access surrounding tracks will need to depart in an anti-clockwise direction (heading west towards the Boat Shed) from the Dove Lake Shelter”. Looks like anyone who planned to daywalk Hansons Peak, Twisted Lakes, Lake Rodway etc is in for a much longer walk than they expected, or is out of luck. :(
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Dove Lake - Track Closure

Postby rathnew » Mon 27 Feb, 2023 10:21 am

Update: Apparently they’re replacing a bridge, so it sounds like it’s hard closed.

I think I know the answer, but just in case... anyone have any good ideas or advice about day walking on the east side of the lake - Hansons Peak, Twisted Lakes, and on to Lake Rodway? They’re all still accessible, but I think at a price of longer and out-and-back walks rather than loops.

For example, is there any case to access Hansons Peak from Dove Lake Car Park via Kitchen Hut rather than Lake Wilks, or is it just more distance for no benefit? Similarly, if the east side of Dove Lake is closed, thoughts on the best way to get to/back from Lake Rodway in a day?

Advice greatly appreciated!
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Dove Lake - Track Closure

Postby johnw » Mon 27 Feb, 2023 12:17 pm

Only my opinion but I think I would find it psychologically soul destroying (for example) if you walk all the way around to Hansons Peak via Lake Wilks, then have to turn around and reverse the route.
The finish will be in sight close by but you can't get there, at least not lawfully. Last time I was there I walked Dove Lake > Lake Wilks > Face Track > Kitchen Hut > Wombat Pool et al.
There are obviously options for other circuits, side trips etc, really depends on what you are comfortable with. I can't comment on Rodway as I haven't done it. My only other thought - is there a legitimate route to return via Mt Campbell from Hansons Peak, avoiding the closed area? I don't know the answer but someone else might.
John W

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Re: Dove Lake - Track Closure

Postby rathnew » Tue 28 Feb, 2023 7:19 am

Fair point. I had in mind the loop - Hansons Peak one way and Twisted Lakes the other, but I do know what you mean. It’s frustrating. We’ve been there a few times and loved it, so we’re going back for a week to explore properly - particularly the high country. Closing that bit of track with no alternative put in place makes a lot of what we would have done hard to inaccessible.
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Re: Dove Lake - Track Closure

Postby ryantmalone » Sat 25 Mar, 2023 9:30 pm

Track has now re-opened. I suspect the work may have been related to the bridge, which is now of a color scheme that matches the new sarcophogas they have installed at the old Lake Dove carpark.
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Re: Dove Lake - Track Closure

Postby Tortoise » Sun 26 Mar, 2023 2:10 pm

Thanks for the update.
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