The overland track

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The overland track

Postby Matt » Sun 08 Apr, 2007 3:13 pm

I am 14 and my dad is taking me my younger brother and my cousin on the overland track in June.
We have not really done much walking yet and i would like to know what the sort of things that are needed also is the track hilly or flat?

Thanks for the help :D
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Postby Son of a Beach » Sun 08 Apr, 2007 4:23 pm

G'day Matt. Welcome to the forums. :)

The Overland Track has a fairly steep hilly section near the beginning (up to Marions Lookout), and a few other hilly sections (but none as hard as the first one). For a lot of the way, it is reasonably flatish.

If you'd like to see a list of gear that I usually take walking, I've recently posted my list to another topic in these forums, HERE. I hope this helps!

In June it will be very cold indeed, and you will probably see a bit of snow, and likely see quite a bit of rain. So make sure you have very good wet weather gear (preferably gortex or similar jacket, and water proof over-trousers), and good thermals and warm jumper/jacket.

I've done the overland track a few times, and it really is a lot of fun. I've done it once during winter with skis, and in some ways winter is better because there are fewer people, which suits me.
Son of a Beach
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Postby Matt » Sun 08 Apr, 2007 6:02 pm

Thanks for the reply i have heard that once we get past the cradle Mt area we will be right
That list is absolutely fantastic ive just sent to my cousin whos coming
Thanks heaps that list covers everything
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Postby kantonysen » Sun 08 Apr, 2007 7:01 pm

Matt, if you are prepared for blizzard conditions you should be pretty right. But, the conditions can be quite settled also, we generally get heavier snow at the end of winter. Very much the luck of the draw.
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Postby kantonysen » Sun 10 Jun, 2007 11:35 am

We have just arrived home from having completed the Overland track, we had the most fabulous weather conditions with heavy frosts and then mostly clear skies during the day. If you intend going through make sure that you collect water from the tanks at the huts before retiring to your sleeping bag; we had frozen pipes every morning. We did not have to wear our parkas or overpants at anytime, incredible for this time of year.
The gas heater at Pelion Hut was not working, and coal had pretty well run out at Narcissus.
We climbed Mt Ossa, it was a bit tricky near the top of the climbing gully with icy conditions. We had mist swirling about on the summit with great views of Mt Oakleigh and Pelion East.
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Postby Matt » Thu 02 Aug, 2007 7:26 am

Hi guys
dad rang the ranger the day or 2 before we left and basically said wait til later in the year he said especially with kids
He thought it would be better in the summer months so we will go across when we get our next holidays probably in september
Thanks for all your help
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The Overland Track

Postby norts » Thu 02 Aug, 2007 8:42 am

Matt, there can still be alot of snow in September. I was snow bound at the huts at Waldheim, September School holidays in 2004 and 2005. They had to get a snow plough in.
Did a day walk up to Crater Lake but decided not to go up on to M<arions as the wind and snow was too much.

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Postby tasadam » Thu 02 Aug, 2007 9:23 am

Sorry to hear you didn't get to do your planned walk. You still have it all to look forward to, though.
Have fun planning! Feel free to ask anything.
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Postby kantonysen » Thu 02 Aug, 2007 7:06 pm

Hi Matt
It is possible to get ordinary weather at any time of the year; but unfortunately, I think norts is right. September is a time that we tend to have the heaviest snowfalls. I think the first three days are the ones where you walk over territory that is likely to be most exposed to bad weather if travelling North to South. So if possible try to identify how the weather patterns are progressing, giving you the best chance of having the best weather for the first days. Clearly this is only possible during the off walking season, as you need to book a time at other times.
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