Okay, this may come as a bit of a shock to those who know me, but it's time for me to come out of the closet - personally I'm a great fan of umbrellas on (and off) the track. I don't bother with the small collapsable type, I use a full blown fibreglass shaft Golf umbrella !
Before you fall over laughing, hear me out. In hot sunny conditions, they provide great shelter when there is none other available, in rain when there is little or no wind, they are a much more comfortable alternative to cooking in a GoreTex. They also provide great shelter when stopping for lunch or digging holes for you know what when the conditions are less than favourable. I'm also able to set mine up as an "annex" for my vestible to more than double the space I have available for cooking etc. Also great for photography to keep the gear dry in "atmospheric" conditions. When not used as a brolly, I can also use mine as a walking stick and depth sounder for the mud patches. Obviously, there are times when they are not so practical, such as windy or scrubby conditions but my advice Melinda would be to ignore the strange looks you'll get - I do and invariably it's always me who has the last laugh.
BTW I'm not taking the mickey here, I'm serious as the picture will tell. Don't worry SWTAS, I won't be taking it on the Diamond Pk trip, even I'm not that silly, but it will be with me on the W Arthurs the week before