Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

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Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby skiman » Thu 28 Feb, 2013 11:00 am

Hi guys,

just wondering if someone has a GPS track for the walk around Lake St Clair on the last day? I've got everything but that one :)

I know im leaving it a bit late (we leave tomorrow morning).. just thought id ask on the off chance ;-)
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Re: Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby Lizzy » Thu 28 Feb, 2013 12:13 pm

Doubt you'd need one- it pretty much follows tha lake & is very obvious... Please correct me if I'm wrong
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Re: Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby skiman » Thu 28 Feb, 2013 12:20 pm

Ok, thanks Lizzy, thats good to know.

I just ended up finding one on Shonky Maps (that i had loaded on the Garmin Basecamp app). Will see how it compares and then attach my track for anyone who might want it in future.

Cheers! :D
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Re: Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby South_Aussie_Hiker » Thu 28 Feb, 2013 1:37 pm

If you can get lost between Narcissus and Cynthia Bay, I will consider eating my hat.
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Re: Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby MrWalker » Thu 28 Feb, 2013 7:14 pm

South_Aussie_Hiker wrote:If you can get lost between Narcissus and Cynthia Bay, I will consider eating my hat.

A couple of years back I went that way and lost the track (between Narcissus and Echo) several times but did find it again after a short time. There were places where there seemed to be vague tracks in several directions. However, I was in a hurry and it was fairly dark, since I didn't finish until after sunset. Starting from Narcissus hut before 5pm would have been easier.
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Re: Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby norts » Thu 28 Feb, 2013 9:26 pm

Track has had some work on it from Byron Gap turn off(that's where we joined the OLT) through to Echo, track workers were working on that area on Sunday. After Echo the track is still good, but has some trees across it, don't think the workers were going further south than Echo.
You would have to work hard to actually lose the track, a very big mountain on one side and a very deep lake on the other.

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Re: Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby hellsbellstaz » Fri 08 Mar, 2013 9:23 am

After the boards end, it can be little hard to see where the track is, you just need to look around and you can see it,
heaps of trees over the track which is annoying..
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Re: Narcissus to Lake St Clair Centre GPS Track

Postby north-north-west » Wed 27 Mar, 2013 5:53 pm

As of a week ago, the track had been chainsawed all the way through to Cynthia Bay. The only trees left down were of the stepover variety.
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