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Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 12:38 am
by rugggg
Hey all,

Myself and three friends are planning to fly into Tasmania and walk the Overland this next week. We are all exchange students from the the states. All in good physical shape and three of us have hiked a fair bit before, with one being an Eagle Scout. Though no snow camping experience. We have the ability to book a guide, would this be advised? Is the trip advisable at all? We will have the proper equipment including snow tent, jackets, gaiters, etc, etc. What do we need to know about doing this hike this time of year? The weather does seem to be holding up decently according to the forecast.


Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 12:52 am
by tasadam
Tempting as it is to encourage you...
Your only concern is snow camping, right?
Everyone gets to do their first snow camp at some stage.
And as the Overland Track has huts, you have a good chance you won't need to.

Just make sure you research the walk properly & don't attempt too much in one day, also plan an extra day or two in case the weather changes - it can be fickle down here (local saying, don't like the weather? Wait a minute...).

It's about being sensible. It has the potential to be he best thing you ever do. Just use your head & be prepared. Turning back or sitting it out is always an option.
You get but one life. The track will still be there for next time. And the time after that....

But if you are confident and well resourced, a guide may not be necessary but it's up to you.

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 9:13 am
by rugggg
Thanks for the reply, snow camping is a concern, how worried should we be about hiking in the snow, if we encounter any, if we have no experience there either? Seeing as your a local, what's the weather looking like at the moment down there?

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 9:35 am
by Miyata610
rugggg wrote:Thanks for the reply, snow camping is a concern, how worried should we be about hiking in the snow, if we encounter any, if we have no experience there either? Seeing as your a local, what's the weather looking like at the moment down there?

Try this.... ... -hut.shtml

Remember we use °C here.

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 9:40 am
by rugggg
Thanks! Actually have been keeping an eye on that forecast already. It looks promising for some decent weather so far. Anyone aware of the snow conditions on the track?

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 10:09 am
by sthughes
Shouldn't be any snow about yet, if there is it will be bugger all. Last week there was a dusting on the higher peaks, but nothing to worry about. This could change of course, but not likely to get too crazy in Early June.

I'm also doing it with 6 others starting on the 1st, but going "backwards" from Lake St Clair so we should no doubt meet at some point. We are not planning to take snow shoes etc, but have extra time up our sleeve in case and doing it slow with side trips etc over 9 days all going according to plan.

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 11:17 am
by norts
Frost and ice will be more of a concern I would think. I was at WFV on Thursday morning, -4 on the hut thermometer. As I walked back up onto the track from the hut , feet went straight from under me. I had stood on a large slab of rock , which was wet but had frozen. Watch out for the board walk which is not covered by netting, can be treacherous too.


Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 29 May, 2013 12:38 pm
by sthughes
norts wrote:Frost and ice will be more of a concern I would think. I was at WFV on Thursday morning, -4 on the hut thermometer. As I walked back up onto the track from the hut , feet went straight from under me. I had stood on a large slab of rock , which was wet but had frozen. Watch out for the board walk which is not covered by netting, can be treacherous too.


Yep, that can make an exciting day.
I remember staying at Scout Hut (near Cradle) once, in July I think it was. It rained hard all day and into the evening, then cleared to starry skies late at night. The next morning the temp had plummeted to -8 and we had a beautiful day. Walking from the Hut into Waterfall Valley we spent a lot of time on our *&^%$#@! as the track had become a raging creek in all the rain, but then practically snap frozen in the extreme cold that followed. Every flat area where water had ponded had become a mini ice skating rink. I now have Diamond Grip Ice Trekkers for such occasions :wink:

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Tue 04 Jun, 2013 8:23 pm
by BecGerhardt
My husband and I will be starting the track from cradle mt on Friday 7th. He is also from the states. Hopefully we might catch up along the way!
Bec and rick

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jun, 2013 1:55 pm
by bailz66
A friend attempted this in winter a couple of years ago.

They set out as a 4, by lunch the first day one had fallen on the ice and sprained his ankle. He and his friend had to head back. By the end of day 1 the other party member had fallen and hurt himself and they had to call the trip off.

One pair of Crampons between the group wasn't enough. If it looks like being icey I would suggest something on your feet to stop you slipping.

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Mon 10 Jun, 2013 9:39 pm
by Ent
sthughes wrote:Shouldn't be any snow about yet, if there is it will be bugger all. Last week there was a dusting on the higher peaks, but nothing to worry about. This could change of course, but not likely to get too crazy in Early June.

I'm also doing it with 6 others starting on the 1st, but going "backwards" from Lake St Clair so we should no doubt meet at some point. We are not planning to take snow shoes etc, but have extra time up our sleeve in case and doing it slow with side trips etc over 9 days all going according to plan.

Um? Should not snow????? Ok it was being blown so quickly it did not have a chance to settle with temp dropping to 4 degrees during the day and zero at night.

Re: Overland Track next week (Start June 6)

PostPosted: Mon 10 Jun, 2013 10:56 pm
by sthughes
Ent wrote:
sthughes wrote:Shouldn't be any snow about yet, if there is it will be bugger all. Last week there was a dusting on the higher peaks, but nothing to worry about. This could change of course, but not likely to get too crazy in Early June.

I'm also doing it with 6 others starting on the 1st, but going "backwards" from Lake St Clair so we should no doubt meet at some point. We are not planning to take snow shoes etc, but have extra time up our sleeve in case and doing it slow with side trips etc over 9 days all going according to plan.

Um? Should not snow????? Ok it was being blown so quickly it did not have a chance to settle with temp dropping to 4 degrees during the day and zero at night.

Like I said, bugger all ;-)