by sthughes » Mon 24 Jun, 2013 2:00 pm
Well that's 18 days away so who knows really....
But at the moment (I was on Crdle yesterday and finished the OT 2 weeks ago):
Cradle to Waterfall - Track in good condition, few puddles tiny bit of mud between Kitchen Hut and the Cirque, no snow but plenty of ice.
Waterfall to Windemere - Track fantastic; pretty much all boardwalk or hard gravel.
Windemere to Pelion - Great boardwalked track along Pine Forest Moore (except the rocky/rooty bits in the trees). Once into the area adjacent West Pelion the track is still quite okay but can be a bit of a creek in the rain - waterproof boots or wet feet. Short section near Frog Flats is quite muddy, and in places it is rather deep (over gaiters+). Then to finish off the day you get some old board walks that are a bit wonky and without chicken wire, hence they are about the slipperiest surface known to man.
Pelion to Kia Ora - Mostly decent natural surface with a few bits of boardwalk up to Pelion Gap. Then mostly rotton old cordwood with nice boggy holes, rusty wire sticking out, bits of wood etc thrown in to increase the "wilderness experience". Then onto some good natural surface for a while before a nice big boggy section through button grass that's braided about 10-15m wide in places. Just before the hut things improve to hard gravel and boardwalks once again.
Kia Ora to Bert Nicholls - Good natural surface most of the way with just a few minor bits of mud and millions of slippery tree roots. Pretty decent all in all.
Bert Nicholls to Narcissus - Mostly hard gravel etc and board walks.
"Don't do today what you can put off 'till tomorrow." (Work that is!)