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snow shoes

PostPosted: Tue 13 Aug, 2013 7:56 pm
by elray
I'm doing the OT next week 16/8/13 to the 24/8/13. Should i take snow shoes or not. what are your thoughts. The weather report looking good for lots snow. :D

Re: snow shoes

PostPosted: Tue 13 Aug, 2013 8:44 pm
by Tortoise
I'd be thinking you'd be crazy not to. I was very glad of mine for just a quick trip to Cradle last week, after thinking 'not so much snow...' But the next morning I was seriously glad to have them.

Re: snow shoes

PostPosted: Wed 14 Aug, 2013 2:09 pm
by Ellobuddha

Please let us know how you go and also report on the conditions.

I a, part of a group of four that will be down there looking to start the walk first week of September and concerns about snow shoes myself.


Re: snow shoes

PostPosted: Thu 15 Aug, 2013 9:18 pm
by elray
All packed and the snow shoes are in. I believe if one person in the group has snow shoes it will help the rest of the group. I will be able to start packing down the snow and the group shouldn't post hole as bad.

Re: snow shoes

PostPosted: Fri 16 Aug, 2013 12:16 am
by Ellobuddha
Good luck mate. Let us know how you go.


Re: snow shoes

PostPosted: Sun 25 Aug, 2013 7:43 pm
by elray
back safe from O.T. 1.5m snow on pillion gap. I loved my snow shoes. The rest of the group didn't have any and had a long day pushing though the snow.


Re: snow shoes

PostPosted: Sun 25 Aug, 2013 8:00 pm
by Billy27
Coming down in a few days to see Paul Kelly in Hobart, first time ever to Tas!

Plan on doing the OLT early next week, hopefully starting Monday. Will definitely hire out a pair of snow shoes based on recent reports.

Hopefully see you out on the track!

P.S Frenchman's Cap would also be awesome to get up , if conditions are favourable but have Freycinet as a plan B.

Re: snow shoes

PostPosted: Sun 25 Aug, 2013 9:19 pm
by Ellobuddha
Thanks for the info. Looks like snoeshoes are a must. Hoping for a fair melt before next week but I dont think I will be that lucky.

Billy, we hoping to start Wed week.
