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possum at pelion

PostPosted: Sun 13 Oct, 2013 7:50 pm
by frank

A possum at Pelion has learnt that it's profitable to duck under your tent fly, rip a hole into your tent and have a nice snack on the goodies that you thought were safe closed up in your pack while you lounge on the hut balcony taking in the grassland views.

This has happened to 2 folk in the past couple of months. And one of them was even sleeping in his tent when it happened!

So ... keep your food in the hut at Pelion.


Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Sun 13 Oct, 2013 8:03 pm
by matagi
Yes, this is well known at Pelion and most of the other huts on the OLT. Never leave food anywhere except in the hut.

Hubby has even woken up to find a possum sitting on him! No doubt annoyed by the fact that it couldn't find any food - although it could have been a mutant vampire possum getting ready to rip his throat out.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Sun 13 Oct, 2013 8:30 pm
by Nuts
Or in a pack away from the sides, everything else clean. The local possums will do their rounds, they will anyway, and then go and pick on someone else.
Ayeee! embrace black pete!! A light poke in his good eye if he gets carried away!

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Mon 14 Oct, 2013 11:43 am
by Overlandman
Even if you stay in the tent, it is okay to leave your food in the hut (all huts), cook in the hut etc,
There has been instances of food going missing at night where the hut door has been left ajar while someone goes to the loo :)

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Mon 14 Oct, 2013 2:19 pm
by Nuts
I don't even like touching the door handles.
Perhaps it's the 'policy'?, kinda misses a golden opportunity to teach them something.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Mon 14 Oct, 2013 11:22 pm
by Strider
Nuts wrote:I don't even like touching the door handles.
Perhaps it's the 'policy'?, kinda misses a golden opportunity to teach them something.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Tue 15 Oct, 2013 7:38 am
by Nuts
Strider wrote:
Nuts wrote:I don't even like touching the door handles.

Back in the 'good ol days' we would pile into huts with groups. In those days i had some ridiculous, short-lived illnesses that iv'e never had since (since not using huts). Anecdotal but left a strong impression.

Strider wrote:
Nuts wrote:Perhaps it's the 'policy'?, kinda misses a golden opportunity to teach them something.

Have you walked the Overland Track yet strider? Many people will do little further walking but for some (of the 7-8000) it is a step-up to walking other areas.

There is a hut 'warden' program at Waterfall Valley (the first OL campsite), when they are in place the number of incidents (of all kinds) decrease, people are given simple info that helps along the way. (It's a good program, run by wildcare, they are always keen for volunteers :wink: )

You otherwise head off, quite possibly thinking you have been unusually unlucky to have lost your mars bars to a currawong at Lk Will t/o or had your jelly beans ripped from a forgotten coat pocket at night, or (in the good old days) had a devil pinch a boot... They happen all the time, these things will happen away from the OLT (at Lodden R. or Junction Ck. or Point Eric... ) as well...

They aren't necessary, worse still, neither are all those wrappers and resulting rubbish... simple education is the key imo. The OL track is the place.

So.. while there is likely some thought into deliberately steering walkers to using huts and storing food in huts (ie.. maybe an understanding.. a 'policy') and it might be an easy or in certain times just necessary (ie 'hungry' early spring) and critters will occasionally foil the best plans.. it's worthwhile continuing and promoting/ increasing this good opportunity for 'education'.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Tue 15 Oct, 2013 8:06 am
by Strider
No still haven't walked the OT! But only because its a struggle to get that many days off in a row.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Tue 15 Oct, 2013 8:31 pm
by weighty walker
Hi, there was a very cheeky one at fergys paddock when we camped there 30th September.It ate through a friends tent during the night. Little buggers

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Tue 15 Oct, 2013 9:10 pm
by corvus
Strider wrote:No still haven't walked the OT! But only because its a struggle to get that many days off in a row.

Wowsers Strider don't you get Annual leave??

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Tue 15 Oct, 2013 11:27 pm
by Strider
corvus wrote:
Strider wrote:No still haven't walked the OT! But only because its a struggle to get that many days off in a row.

Wowsers Strider don't you get Annual leave??

Not from the wife!!!

But seriously, I haven't worked full time for a couple of years and have been studying, so no :(

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Wed 16 Oct, 2013 7:34 am
by matagi
Strider wrote:
corvus wrote:
Strider wrote:No still haven't walked the OT! But only because its a struggle to get that many days off in a row.

Wowsers Strider don't you get Annual leave??

Not from the wife!!!

But seriously, I haven't worked full time for a couple of years and have been studying, so no :(

Take her with you! It isn't that challenging.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Wed 16 Oct, 2013 8:42 am
by Strider
matagi wrote:Take her with you! It isn't that challenging.

We are 23 weeks into a very complicated pregnancy and have an 11 month old as well. She doesn't like bushwalking anyway.

I'll get round to it one day but probably not before I tackle a few walks in NZ first.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Wed 16 Oct, 2013 8:48 am
by GPSGuided
Good luck with the pregnancy, I mean your wife and both of you of course.

Interesting point. Has the forum discussed why women are generally less involved in bushwalking? Similar happens in cycling. Maybe I should have asked, what hobby forums do women participate in. I know that there's no shortage of women on FB though. :)

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Wed 16 Oct, 2013 8:58 am
by Strider
Time for a new thread GPS..

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Wed 16 Oct, 2013 9:00 am
by GPSGuided
Yeah, one day...

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Fri 18 Oct, 2013 2:41 pm
by Nuts
Strider wrote:
matagi wrote:Take her with you! It isn't that challenging.

We are 23 weeks into a very complicated pregnancy and have an 11 month old as well. She doesn't like bushwalking anyway.

Oh, I can imagine that doesn't make things easy, all the best! Time and $ are often enough on their own without other constraints.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Fri 18 Oct, 2013 10:25 pm
by corvus
Strider wrote:
corvus wrote:
Strider wrote:No still haven't walked the OT! But only because its a struggle to get that many days off in a row.

Wowsers Strider don't you get Annual leave??

Not from the wife!!!

But seriously, I haven't worked full time for a couple of years and have been studying, so no :(

Hope all works out OK for you.

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Mon 26 May, 2014 9:27 pm
by Tassie Jack
would keeping the food in a sealed plastic container keep the possum away?

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2014 8:49 pm
by Strider
I once had a possum eat some firelighters that were in a sealed plastic container (Mt Field).

Re: possum at pelion

PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2014 9:26 pm
by Tortoise
Strider wrote:I once had a possum eat some firelighters that were in a sealed plastic container (Mt Field).

That rivals the rat that ate half my wine cask stopper!

I was a bit perturbed by the Pelion Possums that scampered up the Goretex jackets hanging on the pegs-for-hanging-wet-gear-on on the verandah (please pardon the preposition positioning), presumably to check out pockets for forgotten bits and pieces. Don't reckon the jackets would ever be quite the same. :(