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up early ...

Thu 17 Oct, 2013 7:13 pm
by frank
As I made my way in the wee hours from the tent platform to the loo at Pelion ... I was startled and surprised by a group of 3 walkers starting out before 5am to walk to Windimere (in late September ... before the booking season and mandatory 'north to south').
Headlamps ablaze all three ... I quizzed them "what's up fellas? why the early?" (thinking that they may be starting a long day walking out to Cradle or such).
They replied ... "to get ourselves a spot in the hut!"
And yep ... they arrived first and staked their claim.
Here's a pic of Windimere when our group arrived in the late afternoon and poked our heads in. The tent platforms were much more accommodating!
Re: up early ...

Thu 17 Oct, 2013 7:19 pm
by Davidf61
I only ever stayed in a hut once, I thought it was *&%$#! awful.
Snorers, loud talkers, know alls, the mess, the smell, I was ready to go postal by the morning......
Re: up early ...

Fri 01 Nov, 2013 1:45 am
by freemandale
Go in May.... yes, north to south (why??)
Sleep in as long as you like, there is no one else at the huts (aside from Pelion, and even then not many).
Re: up early ...

Fri 01 Nov, 2013 10:06 am
by Pongo
Did you thank them for not pitching their tents in there?
How *&%$#! rude. How many of them were there?
Re: up early ...

Fri 01 Nov, 2013 10:18 am
by Strider
It says three in the OP
Re: up early ...

Fri 01 Nov, 2013 5:38 pm
by MickyB
It amazes me how some people can be so selfish and not give a stuff about other people. Did they condense their gear when other hikers arrived?
Personally, I couldn't think of anything worse than sleeping in the huts. Would much prefer my tent.
Re: up early ...

Sat 02 Nov, 2013 9:41 am
by Snowzone
They were obviously carrying way too much gear if three people could make that kind of mess. Inconsiderate to say the least, I hope they didn't leave any crap behind.
Re: up early ...

Sun 03 Nov, 2013 2:45 pm
by Senji_Man
That photo was taken when a group of about 8 - 10 teenage boys from a sydney school were in the hut, as well as the three men mentioned in the OP. Whats worse is that the group of boys were doing the Duke of Edinburgh (I was under the impression that the DofE award was meant to be a challenge) and their obvious lack of consideration forced another group of 6 teenage girls to sleep outside in the tents whilst it began to snow. I personally spent the night sleeping on the floor under the tables in the dining area.