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transport to and back from OLT

PostPosted: Fri 15 Nov, 2013 8:11 pm
by renchui
I will land on launceston at 11/DEC, and premit is 13/DEC
Do you guys suggest me to stay in Launceston for a extra day , may be some one day trip tour, or should go to craddle mountain one day early to get ready for early star of 13/DEC?

another issue is there is no tassielink on Friday, 13/DEC is friday, how can i get there?

About the way out, am i able to catch the bus(11am) to Hobart after ferry ( i heard from somewhere that the bus leave 10 minues before the ferry) on 20/Dec? or is there anyone want carpool for the transport on these days.



Re: transport to and back from OLT

PostPosted: Mon 18 Nov, 2013 5:45 am
by LeftFootRightFoot
I'm new to the OT, but here's my 2 cents worth.

1. I've read that getting your groceries and supplies is easier/cheaper in Launceston, so I plan to spend time in Launceston getting ready before heading to Cradle Mountain the morning I commence my OT hike.

2. Launceston to Cradle bus is provided by TassieLink on Mon/Weds/Thurs/Sat and McDermott's operate Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri ( Seems that Tuesday is the only day there is NO scheduled bus into Cradle.

3. Check out this PDF for TassieLink's Cradle - Lake St Clair timetable ( ... 31-03-2014)). It seems to show that the Friday (20 Dec) bus is an 8pm departure from Lake St Clair arriving in Hobart at 10:30pm. Ferry times leave Narcissus something like 9:30am, 1:00pm, 3:30pm and arrive at Cynthia Bay (Bus pickup point) at something like 10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:30pm. There doesn't seem to be a problem with the bus leaving just before the ferry arrives. Ferry contact number is +61 (0)3 62891137 if you want to check the ferry timetable.
