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Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Wed 22 Jan, 2014 5:18 pm
by Northey87
Hi all,

I'm booked for the overland in April with a group of friends. Logistically, it's eventuated that our best option is to leave our (my) car at Cradle.

The info I've found suggests that cars should be left at the ranger's station car park, but from memory, this is a comparatively open/isolated field.

Hence, are there any issues with leaving the car there?

My other thought is to see if we can leave it tucked out back at the cradle big 4 as we'll be staying there a night before and after the walk. Does anyone know whether the operator's generally have any issues with this?


Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Fri 24 Jan, 2014 10:28 am
by Ellobuddha
I left my car parked at the Ranger station/shop carpark in September for the 6/7 nights. No problems at all.

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Sun 26 Jan, 2014 7:14 am
by stry
Another trouble free sample of one here.

It's a big car park and a target rich environment. Think shoal of fish.

If your car doesn't scream out "pick me" I don't there is much to worry about.

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Sun 26 Jan, 2014 7:24 am
by taswegian
Living at Sheffield, and not heard any unpleasant incidents from here.

I'd be more concerned for the Currawongs :roll: If you're a footy supporter and have bright little mascots hanging outside they will love them.
Oh. You're from 'other country', probably don't subscribe to Aussie Rules Mania.

Enjoy the trip. Best time of year for Tassie weather.

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Sun 26 Jan, 2014 1:09 pm
by Bubbalouie
I parked at the back of the visitor centre for a week. No break ins but some clown did nick my bumper with their tow ball, repair was $380, after insurance it cost $50.

I'd say if I parked further to the back and side I'd have not had even that small amount of damage.

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Mon 27 Jan, 2014 10:05 am
by South_Aussie_Hiker
Twenty years ago, if you grazed someone's bumper, you left your number and offered to make good the damage.

IT WAS CALLED HONESTY. And it now exists very rarely amongst the general population.

Sorry to hear you got screwed, Bubbalouie. Might have only been $50 with insurance, but the inconvenience of filling in all the forms and being without a car while it gets fixed is annoying.

Northey87, just try and park furthest away from the visitor centre entrance where parks are unlikely to fill up. And maybe check the long term forecast for hail.

I'd heard bad things about the Frenchman's Cap car park, but luckily they completely upgraded it before we got there (and eventually caught the repeat offenders).

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Mon 27 Jan, 2014 1:30 pm
by Bubbalouie
South_Aussie_Hiker wrote:Twenty years ago, if you grazed someone's bumper, you left your number and offered to make good the damage.

IT WAS CALLED HONESTY. And it now exists very rarely amongst the general population.

Sorry to hear you got screwed, Bubbalouie. Might have only been $50 with insurance, but the inconvenience of filling in all the forms and being without a car while it gets fixed is annoying.

20 years ago I was still in primary school but I agree none the less. A little honesty goes a long way to make the world a better place and it is altogether a far too rare quality.

That said the damage was pretty minor, I'm inclined to say if it was a very large car they may not have even noticed. The car was a small rental, paper work and phone calls cost about 4 hours of my time. I used to get upset about these things but learned it got me no where. Better to let it go and learn from the experience.

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Mon 27 Jan, 2014 8:31 pm
by Overlandman
Never had any issues at Cradle Valley or the Parks car parks,
However in the Advocate Newspaper on Saturday 25th in the Crime stoppers weekly report it states;

Police are warning all people to not leave valuables in vehicles as offenders have been targeting vehicles parked in public car parks at remote locations such as Bakers Beach (Narawntapu) & Leven Canyon.

Regards Overlandman

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Mon 27 Jan, 2014 8:35 pm
by Tortoise
Lots of us have left cars there oodles of times, no problems.

Somebody's suggestion elsewhere seems sensible, though - empty the glovebox, console compartment etc, and leave them open so it's less attractive.

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Mon 27 Jan, 2014 9:14 pm
by corvus
Overlandman wrote:Never had any issues at Cradle Valley or the Parks car parks,
However in the Advocate Newspaper on Saturday 25th in the Crime stoppers weekly report it states;

Police are warning all people to not leave valuables in vehicles as offenders have been targeting vehicles parked in public car parks at remote locations such as Bakers Beach (Narawntapu) & Leven Canyon.

Regards Overlandman

I also read that and wonder how much value there would be for low life petty thieves to spend that much time effort and money on fuel on the off chance of scoring some goodies from a few parked cars ? no overnighters as such at Leven Canyon CP and at Narawntapu CP you are close the Rangers Station in daylight hours if you do overnight in the first camping area ,the other campsites are bit more secluded however in those you camp close to your tent and others and you would be aware of nightime activity other than the wild life.
Still no accounting for Drug fueled greed and disregard of others property so perhaps they have no conception of how far they travel to satisfy their needs :shock:

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Mon 27 Jan, 2014 9:23 pm
by corvus
Sorry you had damage but it is just like any other car park so it is better to choose your spot well apart from the closest point and walk the few extra yards :)

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Mon 27 Jan, 2014 9:41 pm
by corvus
taswegian wrote:Living at Sheffield, and not heard any unpleasant incidents from here.

I'd be more concerned for the Currawongs :roll: If you're a footy supporter and have bright little mascots hanging outside they will love them.
Oh. You're from 'other country', probably don't subscribe to Aussie Rules Mania.

Enjoy the trip. Best time of year for Tassie weather.

The low lives that were doing the Walls CP vehicles are (or were) now doing time.

Re: Car safety - cradle mountain?

PostPosted: Sat 29 Mar, 2014 8:43 pm
by Northey87
Great, thanks for the confirmation all.

@taswegion - don't know about the 'other country' part - actually from the vic high country area (think buffalo, falls creek, hotham etc). Will make sure I leave the mascots at home :)