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Question: Overland track visit by inexperienced bushwalkers

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 1:24 pm
by mbookatz

As part of a school project, me and my daughter (16yrs old) wanted to reach Mount Ossa and take a three day walk over the overland track. I have a few questions for the more experienced members:
1. Is a three day walk possible to cover Arm River Car Park to Pelion Hut (day 1). Pelion Hut to Mount Ossa and back (day 2). Pelion Hut back to Arm River car park (day 3).
2. What preparation is needed for inexperienced walkers?
3. What weather can be expected over March or April?
4. Any other suggestions or tips?


Re: Question: Overland track visit by inexperienced bushwalk

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 7:35 pm
by stry
My only suggestion would be to take an extra day at Pelion, tenting if necessary.

That would give you a second crack at Ossa if the weather shuts you out from the summit as it did me. If the weather is fine, no problem, do Oakleigh on the extra day.

I'll let others with more OLT experience than me comment on the timing re Arm River/Pelion, and on preparation.

Re: Question: Overland track visit by inexperienced bushwalk

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 8:08 pm
by tibboh
Timing shouldn't be a problem if you have a decent level of fitness. Last time i was at the New Pelion Hut I was chatting with a fit young guy who had walked in from Arm R track that morning, summited Ossa and was relaxing on the verandah having an early dinner. Maybe have a few warm up daywalks to see how it goes carrying a load for half a day or more.
You need to be totally self sufficient and carry everything you need. Space in the hut although likely is not guaranteed so a tent may be a good idea. It may also be needed as emergency shelter if things go pear shaped on the way in or out.
Weather can be foul at any time of the year so be prepared for the worst.
Have a look in the Overland Track forum for much useful advice and answers to any questions you may have.
The extra day up your sleeve is a good idea as the weather doesn't always co operate with plans made.
Have fun.

Re: Question: Overland track visit by inexperienced bushwalk

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 8:46 pm
by taswegian
Reasonably fit you should accomplish that day walk to Pelion okay.
March and particularly April are the best time of year (IMO) here for bush ventures.
But it's autumn and nights could be cold with possible hard frosts but gorgeous days. As Tibboh said foul weather doesn't know about seasons here, so be prepared.

Dad and daughter. Great stuff. Be wary of her limits. Don't want the occasion spoilt from pushing too hard.
Hope you enjoy your trip.

Re: Question: Overland track visit by inexperienced bushwalk

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 8:51 pm
by corvus
mbookatz wrote:Hi,

As part of a school project, me and my daughter (16yrs old) wanted to reach Mount Ossa and take a three day walk over the overland track. I have a few questions for the more experienced members:
1. Is a three day walk possible to cover Arm River Car Park to Pelion Hut (day 1). Pelion Hut to Mount Ossa and back (day 2). Pelion Hut back to Arm River car park (day 3).
2. What preparation is needed for inexperienced walkers?
3. What weather can be expected over March or April?
4. Any other suggestions or tips?


Yes all things being equal this is a very doable 3 day walk :) however be prepared to give Ossa a miss if the weather is iffy and as others have suggested make sure you carry a Tent JIC as it could be 4 seasons in one day.
First day up the Arm River Track can be a shock especially if you have never done anything like this previously :)
Enjoy and report back please.

Re: Question: Overland track visit by inexperienced bushwalk

PostPosted: Mon 10 Feb, 2014 3:36 pm
by geoskid
mbookatz wrote:Hi,

As part of a school project, me and my daughter (16yrs old) wanted to reach Mount Ossa and take a three day walk over the overland track. I have a few questions for the more experienced members:
1. Is a three day walk possible to cover Arm River Car Park to Pelion Hut (day 1). Pelion Hut to Mount Ossa and back (day 2). Pelion Hut back to Arm River car park (day 3).
2. What preparation is needed for inexperienced walkers?
3. What weather can be expected over March or April?
4. Any other suggestions or tips?


G'day Mbookatz, just dropped in to offer encouragement more than anything. I love things like this - making memories thru adventure with kids, because of the positive influences it can make.
I'm interested in learning more about the school project if you'd care to tell.

Others have covered your questions, but just on No2.
I'd break thinking about preparation down to fitness, transport, food & cooking gear, clothes and sleeping gear and what to carry it in, navigation and first aid and comms (if any).
Do you have any concerns about any of these areas?

Re: Question: Overland track visit by inexperienced bushwalk

PostPosted: Wed 19 Feb, 2014 10:55 am
by Scottyk
mbookatz wrote:Hi,

As part of a school project, me and my daughter (16yrs old) wanted to reach Mount Ossa and take a three day walk over the overland track. I have a few questions for the more experienced members:
1. Is a three day walk possible to cover Arm River Car Park to Pelion Hut (day 1). Pelion Hut to Mount Ossa and back (day 2). Pelion Hut back to Arm River car park (day 3).
2. What preparation is needed for inexperienced walkers?
3. What weather can be expected over March or April?
4. Any other suggestions or tips?


I agree with others, your trip plan is good.
Have done this one lately so can offer some timings
Arm River car park - Pelion Hut = 4 hours
Pelion Hut - Ossa Summit = 3 hours
Return times are about the same depending on down hill speed (i.e. knees)
These are the times I logged doing this walk on my own, they include breaks. Maybe add a bit depending on fitness, I am not a fast walker.
Even if the weather is bad climb up the saddle between Ossa and Pelion East as the views up there are still good without having go any further up Ossa. The track up to the saddle is really nice with King Billy pine and Celery Top every where.
The Arm River Track gets quite steep after about 1km, kids won't like this but it really doesn't last long (maybe 25min) and then starts to get a bit more gentle. Once your up on top its an easy track.
Water is available on the top of Ossa usually for one small tarn

Hope this helps, have fun