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Kitchen Hut Work

Wed 19 Feb, 2014 2:23 pm
by whynotwalk
Just saw this on the PWS facebook page.
Notice to bushwalkers: the historic Kitchen Hut, on the Cradle Mountain Plateau, is undergoing some restoration and maintenance works. Access to the hut is not available from Sunday 16th February until Monday 3rd March. For more information please contact the Cradle Mountain Parks and Wildlife office on (03) 6492 1120.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 10 Mar, 2014 9:26 am
by north-north-west
Given the state of the thing when I passed it, it's probably still not usable.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Fri 04 Apr, 2014 2:12 pm
by whynotwalk

- Newly renovated, March 2014
Hi all - just saw this pic of the now completed renovation of Kitchen Hut on the PWS facebook page. I must say it looks very schmick, in a nice retro sort of way. Anyone been inside it yet?
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Fri 04 Apr, 2014 2:41 pm
by South_Aussie_Hiker
Wow, looks awesome.
I was there just a few days before the renovation began and it was a disgrace. Had deteriorated very significantly since 2009 - a few broken shingles, the floor dividing the top and bottom level was completely gone (just a few structural supports), and wall panels had come off, exposing insulation (which had been pulled out in places).
Didn't really serve it's purpose as an emergency shelter with all those holes on the walls.
Great to see it back in tip top condition.
I would also like to see photos inside.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Fri 04 Apr, 2014 4:01 pm
by icefest
I wonder if they put the middle floor in again...
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Fri 04 Apr, 2014 4:11 pm
by Pteropus
I was around there last weekend and noticed its new timber. I didn't stick my head in though coz there were a bunch of people in there and I didn't feel the need to intrude....
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 06 Apr, 2014 8:09 am
by Nuts
Looks great, some talented people around. Well done with the restoration.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 06 Apr, 2014 8:24 am
by stry
The word "Tyrolean" leaps into my mind. Looks very nice and very appropriate.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 06 Apr, 2014 8:58 am
by Nuts
I hope they left a bolt hole for our little mates

Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 06 Apr, 2014 9:53 am
by whynotwalk
Nuts wrote:I hope they left a bolt hole for our little mates


Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 07 Apr, 2014 4:25 pm
by north-north-west
Blimey, they got that finished quicker than I'd have thought possible. Damn good job, too.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 07 Apr, 2014 7:09 pm
by corvus
A really nice looking refurbishment hope the inside is as good and it should last years longer as thankfully no one has the need to use the top level as a "toilet" as was done in the past.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 20 Apr, 2014 8:27 pm
by Nuts
hmm, well, the top story is three parts gone. The inside timber ledge on the window (ie. directly above the stainless stove table) has been set alight already..
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 20 Apr, 2014 11:26 pm
by corvus
Nuts wrote:hmm, well, the top story is three parts gone. The inside timber ledge on the window (ie. directly above the stainless stove table) has been set alight already..
You have lost me? are you saying that the top story has not been completed and that some wanker has already tried to burn the hut down ?
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 20 Apr, 2014 11:57 pm
by Nuts
no, i mean three parts are gone

the rear of the second floor has been removed leaving a narrow section at the front (with an internal ladder).
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Fri 25 Apr, 2014 5:15 pm
by South_Aussie_Hiker
Anyone got photos inside yet?
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sat 26 Apr, 2014 9:49 pm
by walkon
Yep computer has decided it has issues with the camera so I went for a walk will post tomorrow
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:31 pm
by corvus
Nuts wrote:no, i mean three parts are gone

the rear of the second floor has been removed leaving a narrow section at the front (with an internal ladder).
Looks like they have removed the sleeping option upstairs and have made it an emergency shelter only (good thing IMHO ) still access through the upper outside door when the lower is snowbound and a safe shelter if needed
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:41 pm
by Nuts
I tend to agree. Though I just knew where the people I passed at Marions were still going to end up that night.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:42 pm
by Miyata610
The flooring on the first floor was removed at least a couple of years ago wasn't it?
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:54 pm
by Nuts
The timber from the loft floor? Could have been? Was it?
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:56 pm
by Miyata610
Yeah the timbers. My recollection is that the flooring was removed during the 11/12 season, leaving just the wooden beams (with some old steel/iron reinforcement.)
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 8:18 pm
by Miyata610
Here's a pic from winter '12. The floor disappeared during the summer before this.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 28 Apr, 2014 7:29 pm
by walkon
Here are some pics
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 28 Apr, 2014 7:35 pm
by walkon
Sorry this one is out of focus, my darling wife didn't want to appear online so haven't got anymore. Something about can't be online pulling silly faces

the top deck has enough room for two people, if you weren't intimate before you will be in the morning.
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 28 Apr, 2014 7:42 pm
by Overlandman
Thanks for the photos walkon,
Well done to all involved in the restoration,
Any sign of our little mates in the rocks to the right
Regards Overlandman
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 28 Apr, 2014 8:47 pm
by corvus
Nice to see a couple ? of sleeping spots ,is there enough space for a group to huddle in safety if needs be ?
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Mon 28 Apr, 2014 11:11 pm
by South_Aussie_Hiker
Wow, so even the stone work was redone? The floor looks to have been.
What a big task (practically built again from scratch) and done very quickly too!
Re: Kitchen Hut Work

Tue 29 Apr, 2014 5:58 pm
by walkon
Yeah on the floor level a group could huddle, under the ladder is a stainless steel bench for kitchen work. Was beautiful when we were there, out of the wind for a cuppa. As someone who loves a bit of stone work, I thought they have done very well. Skilled work is always good to look at.