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Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Wed 20 Aug, 2014 5:25 pm
by tasadam
From Stephen Mansfield - Parks Tasmania...

Volunteers for walking track maintenance at Cradle Mountain

We are hoping to put together some teams of 5 or 6 to spend a week at Cradle helping to get the tracks ready for the summer visitors.

Dove Lake Circuit, Enchanted Walk, Rainforest Walk, Dove Canyon, Wombat Pool and the Horse Track are just some of the walks you can help with.

Participants will need to have some bushwalking experience and a good fitness level.

We're hoping to do the work during September and while times will be negotiable, its envisaged to have teams arrive on a Monday and settle in for Tuesday start and travel home on the Friday or Saturday.

Parks will be able to provide accommodation (very basic) at Mt Kate, Amaroo Cabin, Police Hut and the Trackie's Camp. Tools and safety gear will also be provided, but participants will need to provide their own food and walking gear.

For further information or to register your interest please contact Stephen Mansfield 0428 576 229 or email

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Thu 21 Aug, 2014 12:18 pm
by Nuts
Good effort stephen (& adam).
There's no obligation to propose such projects and take on volunteers (and not many predictable outcomes), these things can be sidelined for years before someone tries again.
Or they can become commonplace, annual events..
Hopefully they get a good group on board! Usually fun, great setting, get a bit more insight than on the average tourist visit.. all that.. good Luck! :)

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Thu 21 Aug, 2014 9:56 pm
by geoskid
tasadam wrote:Volunteers for walking track maintenance at Cradle Mountain

We are hoping to put together some teams of 5 or 6 to spend a week at Cradle helping to get the tracks ready for the summer visitors.

Dove Lake Circuit, Enchanted Walk, Rainforest Walk, Dove Canyon, Wombat Pool and the Horse Track are just some of the walks you can help with.

Participants will need to have some bushwalking experience and a good fitness level.

We're hoping to do the work during September and while times will be negotiable, its envisaged to have teams arrive on a Monday and settle in for Tuesday start and travel home on the Friday or Saturday.

Parks will be able to provide accommodation (very basic) at Mt Kate, Amaroo Cabin, Police Hut and the Trackie's Camp. Tools and safety gear will also be provided, but participants will need to provide their own food and walking gear.

For further information or to register your interest please contact Stephen Mansfield 0428 576 229 or email

Thanks Adam.
I heard this on ABC Radio today.
Your post does not make it clear whether this is a request from you or Parks.

[EDIT - Fixed that, thanks.]

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Thu 21 Aug, 2014 10:04 pm
by geoskid
Nuts wrote:Good effort stephen (& adam).
There's no obligation to propose such projects and take on volunteers (and not many predictable outcomes), these things can be sidelined for years before someone tries again.
Or they can become commonplace, annual events..
Hopefully they get a good group on board! Usually fun, great setting, get a bit more insight than on the average tourist visit.. all that.. good Luck! :)

Agree Nuts that this could be a regular annual event, but no good asking in last week of Aug for Sept.

Edit: near the end of Aug for Sept.

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Fri 22 Aug, 2014 12:07 am
by Nuts
Did see it in parks news, perhaps a little late i'd agree. I'm not likely available either but hope they do ok.

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Fri 22 Aug, 2014 8:26 am
by stepbystep
Good stuff.

I'm really surprised a formal group doesn't exist up there. Akin to the 'Friends of Mt Field' that do regular maintenance in that park.

Hope a good number volunteer.

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Fri 22 Aug, 2014 6:03 pm
by Nuts
I'm not sure if the Friends group is involved.
Maybe they could do with a hand, some new members as well:
With a few rangers, in the past these sort of things (there) would be initiated by which ever staff member has the project or allocated area (etc).
And they do mean some extra organisation, time, expense to the park even if it's byo transport, food, achieve some objectives etc.
The huts preservation group is another one that gets involved from time to time.

A strong working group like FoMF sounds great. Despite the odd criticism of free labour.. and so on.. these sorts of things are squeaky positive, inside and out.

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Sat 23 Aug, 2014 8:02 pm
by geoskid
Nuts wrote:I'm not sure if the Friends group is involved.
Maybe they could do with a hand, some new members as well:
With a few rangers, in the past these sort of things (there) would be initiated by which ever staff member has the project or allocated area (etc).
And they do mean some extra organisation, time, expense to the park even if it's byo transport, food, achieve some objectives etc.
The huts preservation group is another one that gets involved from time to time.

A strong working group like FoMF sounds great. Despite the odd criticism of free labour.. and so on.. these sorts of things are squeaky positive, inside and out.

All of this is good stuff - but was also thinking about where our discretionary spending requests come from ( Mum & Dad + 2 children of school age), and goes to. First in best dressed comes to mind, or the squeaky wheel gets oiled. The number of requests is uncountable in practical terms.
Nowadays, children tell parents where they spend there money ( or try to). This is where people with really meaningfull causes need to get creative.
Not only are our children the next generation and dictators of discretionary spending for large numbers of parents - they cant care without the narrative from parents.

This is where activists need to do more than care, everybody caresjust ask them, activists need to educate themselves first about human thinking. Now watch them drop off . Oh , yeah I care, but I don't want to do more than talk sincerely about my feelings - If I have to offend somebodys sensibilities then I am conflicted.

So It goes. I could have it all wrong. So tell me.

This week - ice bucket challenge - MN Disease - goes off - awareness up and off the show = good :)

Re: Parks Tas - Helpers wanted for Cradle Mtn area tracks

PostPosted: Sun 24 Aug, 2014 2:37 pm
by Nuts
It must be hard, especially for families & busy lives with conflicting demands. These probably wont be hard work, though I doubt kid-friendly (?)
Working, making some progress, interaction with like-minded people. Alternative to going up there for a few walks, better understanding of the processes and people.

Wildcare are involved ... d=1409#reg so probably a few locals, maybe the odd green (jk).
If you haven't stayed in the valley (Waldheim etc) it's a great place to spend some extra time.

At the risk of straying further, introducing or reminding of opportunities (hopefully not guilt..).. speaking of Wildcare, the Hut Warden program on the OLT will be starting up soon again :wink: