WW Strider Jacket - any good on the OT in Jan?

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WW Strider Jacket - any good on the OT in Jan?

Postby Yousmeghead » Fri 12 Aug, 2016 11:12 am

Hi all, I'm wondering if any jacket experts out there can impart some advice about this product. I stumbled across the Wilderness Wear Strider Jacket whilst looking for a waterproof shell-type jacket for the Overland Track in January. I don't have any experience with this brand but it looks good & a great price (in fact it's suspiciously cheap - considering the RRP is $399 and it's selling for $129). So yeah just not sure about the actual quality.

https://wildernesswear.com.au/womens-ra ... -mens-1850

I have a beautiful warm Helly Hansen waterproof jacket/parker type thing but I fear it's going to be way too hot to walk in during the day, even if it's raining (pity as it would make a great pillow too).

Any feedback very much appreciated, esp in relation to OT conditions in Jan (I am an OT newbie). Y.
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Re: WW Strider Jacket - any good on the OT in Jan?

Postby johnk1 » Sat 13 Aug, 2016 12:27 pm

Gday Y,

I purchased this jacket earlier in the year after looking for a jacket for some time and I wanted a longer jacket.

I used this jacket on the OT in early April and it was great. Quality is very good and workmanship is very good.

It doesn't have put zips like some jackets but I was comfortable enough while wearing it and it did the job it was intended for - keeping out the rain.

I can't really comment on OT conditions in January but I would leave the other jacket that you mentioned at home. Your rain shell doesn't need to be warm as such (layers underneath do that imo).

I have used this jacket many times since I bought it and have been very happy with its performance.

I wouldn't be suspicious about the price. Service from Jon at Wilderness Wear was fantastic.

Hope this helps.


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Re: WW Strider Jacket - any good on the OT in Jan?

Postby Jayps68 » Mon 15 Aug, 2016 12:08 pm

[quoteAny feedback very much appreciated, esp in relation to OT conditions in Jan (I am an OT newbie). Y][/quote]
Conditions change from year to year with global weatehr cycles. But, Ive done the OT in January, started on the 7th in 2013.
Day one was good to start, a bit breezy, but clear until we got up top. Then the rain/sleet rolled in, by the time we got to kitchen hut, it was cold and drizzling. No snow, no sleet, but as we pushed around the cirque the conditions worsened and their was a bit of sleet, snow fluries, heavier rain and cold wind. Conditions at waterfall were cold and damp, and we woke up to snow on the tent.
Day two was full shells all the way across the plain with a strong westerly driving rain and sleet almost horizontal. That was fun
Day three was a gorgeuos day across the plains, a strong wind, but I wore just a 180 gsm merino base layer and heavy Lowe Alpine shirt. Might have picked up a bit of windburn. Blue skies all the way to Pelion Hut. One of the best days bushwalking I've ever had.
Day four was another great day, and the clouds rolled in just as we came off Pelion gap, but the rain held off, and it was a mild arvo at Kia Ora. A cold night broke into a drizzling day 5 and it stayed that way all through the forest past DuCane Hut and down to Bert Nicholls. It was cold and damp at Windy ridge that night.
Day 6 broke clear and cool, but as we pushed down the valley, the sun warmed things up and by the time we were at Narcissus, it was a fantastic day.

Conditions change down there in a flash, and my 'cool' may be diferent to a local. I'm a Queenslander, so I have thin tropical blood. But its cold enough to snow, even in January, you should prepare for it.

Hope this helps. Ive got a journal at home of the trip with temp readings taken off my Fenix each morning outside the tent, if you'd like those let me know.
Morning Day 2 Cold night.JPG
Just a light snow, it was about 2 cm deep on the boards
beautiful day three
Frog Flats. Low point 730m.JPG
Frog flats Day 3
Campsite at Windy Ridge.JPG
Windy ridge
Done. Looking Back.JPG
At the jetty.
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