Easiest route into Scott Kilvert and back out again?

hi folks,
i'm new to this forum and new to tasmania as well. before i post my question, i just wanna say that this is a very useful and informative forum. thanks..
i'm planning a trip on Nov 12th ( or thereabouts ) and i plan on walking into scott kilvert hutt ( from Dove Lake car park right at the end of Lake Dove Road at the northen end of Dove lake ) , staying there for 2 nights and then walking back out again.
i have several questions...
1)Am i allowed to park my campervan at Dove Lake car park ( right at the end of Lake Dove Road at the northen end of Dove lake) for 2 nights whilst i'm doing my walk?
2)whats the easiest route from Dove Lake car park to Scott kilvert hut and back out again?
i read from the forum that the walk over hanson's peak is tough and there is a possibility that there might be no chains to hold onto. i also read that the FACE TRACK is a tough walk. so i was just wondering what would be the easiest way in and out. if possible , i hope to go in and out by different routes.
3)does anyone know where i can find a good online map of the area between Ronny Creek and Waterfall Valley Hut? i only found the one at http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=8084 but this one doesnt even show where Face Track is (although i think i might know where it is) or Ballroom Forest etc...If anyone has a garmin map of the area, so much the better....
4)is there running water over at Scott Kilvert hut that i can boil and drink?
ok, many thanks,
i'm new to this forum and new to tasmania as well. before i post my question, i just wanna say that this is a very useful and informative forum. thanks..
i'm planning a trip on Nov 12th ( or thereabouts ) and i plan on walking into scott kilvert hutt ( from Dove Lake car park right at the end of Lake Dove Road at the northen end of Dove lake ) , staying there for 2 nights and then walking back out again.
i have several questions...
1)Am i allowed to park my campervan at Dove Lake car park ( right at the end of Lake Dove Road at the northen end of Dove lake) for 2 nights whilst i'm doing my walk?
2)whats the easiest route from Dove Lake car park to Scott kilvert hut and back out again?
i read from the forum that the walk over hanson's peak is tough and there is a possibility that there might be no chains to hold onto. i also read that the FACE TRACK is a tough walk. so i was just wondering what would be the easiest way in and out. if possible , i hope to go in and out by different routes.
3)does anyone know where i can find a good online map of the area between Ronny Creek and Waterfall Valley Hut? i only found the one at http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=8084 but this one doesnt even show where Face Track is (although i think i might know where it is) or Ballroom Forest etc...If anyone has a garmin map of the area, so much the better....
4)is there running water over at Scott Kilvert hut that i can boil and drink?
ok, many thanks,