Dove Lake to Hansons Peak to Kithen Hut

Hi All, Can anyone experienced in the area comment on my estimated times for the following with 0730 start with 30 min breaks
Dove Lake - Hansons Peak 0730-1000
Hansons Peak - Kitchen Hut via Face Track 1030-1230
Cradle Mt summit return 1300-1530
Kitchen Hut - Waterfall Valley 1600-1730
Waterfall Valley - Lake Will 1730-1830
I have only estimated times from map and Google Earth, so I would appreciate some realistic times from anyone that has walked these sections. Our fitness and experience are good. Looking for good weather times. We will take Ronney Creek - Marions Lookout route if weather is poor.
Many thanks
Dove Lake - Hansons Peak 0730-1000
Hansons Peak - Kitchen Hut via Face Track 1030-1230
Cradle Mt summit return 1300-1530
Kitchen Hut - Waterfall Valley 1600-1730
Waterfall Valley - Lake Will 1730-1830
I have only estimated times from map and Google Earth, so I would appreciate some realistic times from anyone that has walked these sections. Our fitness and experience are good. Looking for good weather times. We will take Ronney Creek - Marions Lookout route if weather is poor.
Many thanks