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Launceston to Cradle

Tue 23 Feb, 2010 11:59 am
by freespirit
I called almost all the coaches but couldn't find any thing departing on Saturday 27th to Cradle mountain from Launceston, tried tassie link, maxwell, mcdermot, tasmanian tour company ($240),tiger wilderness, tasmanian wilderness, outdoor recreational, is there anyway i can get to Cradle on Saturday to start the track? or someone who is going ther can give a lift? pls help. cheers.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Tue 23 Feb, 2010 12:17 pm
by tas-man
Are you booked to start the walk on Saturday? If you can post details of when and where you arrive in Tassie - assume Launceston airport - there may be forum members that can assist you in getting to Cradle on Saturday to start your walk.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Tue 23 Feb, 2010 12:35 pm
by freespirit
yes i did for Saturday 27th feb 10, i arrive in Launcestion at 11.15am, if there are any members who can assist, that would be great, i'm happy to pay for petrol cost, thank you in advance.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Tue 23 Feb, 2010 1:45 pm
by GerryDuke
Could also try BottomBitsBus.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Tue 23 Feb, 2010 2:21 pm
by freespirit
Called BottomBitsbus, they don't operate on Sat. and its only for tour group. Thanks for yr post.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 10:46 am
by tas-man
freespirit wrote:yes i did for Saturday 27th feb 10, i arrive in Launcestion at 11.15am, if there are any members who can assist, that would be great, i'm happy to pay for petrol cost, thank you in advance.
I will ask at the Launceston Walking Club meeting tonight if anyone is going to Cradle this Saturday and let you know if something can be arranged for you.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 11:35 am
by Tony
Hi freesppirit,
Back in 2005 October when I did the OT, my brother booked the flights and assumed that we could easily catch a bus to Cradle Mt and again from Lake St Clair but when I started to inquire it became obvious that out of peak season the bus service was minimal and would not suit our needs, so we used the local Launceston taxi service, it cost us around $250 each way, made for an expensive trip.
I hope you can sort something out.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 1:05 pm
by freespirit
Thank you Ian for yr help. I contacted the Cradle National Park, if i can't find transport, i will start on Sun morning.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 2:03 pm
by freespirit
Hi all,
Jus a quick heads up for all who is thinking of booking for Overland Track, pls make sure you do the transportation booking first, i tried booking before 1 week, i'm calling all the bus companies listed in the website, some companies don't operate on sat/sun, some are too expensive ($250), i wish i knew before hand, i wasn't aware of the transportation to Cradle...are we suppose to do walking from Launceston to Cradle Visitor Centre,
why there is no facility of public transport or something, as we pay $160 for park and another $30 for pass?
Does Tasmanian authority know about this problem with visitors? its very frustrating as i wanted to do the trip but now i'm not sure how can i?
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 7:46 pm
by tas-man
Hi freespirit, one of the Launceston Walking Club members is happy to take you from Launceston to Cradle on Saturday. I will send you his contact details by PM when I get home.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 8:08 pm
by geoskid
freespirit wrote:Thank you Ian for yr help. I contacted the Cradle National Park, if i can't find transport, i will start on Sun morning.
Do you have flexibility in your end dates/arrangements, or does this mean you will have to try and do the track in 4 days as opposed to your original 5 days? Please stay in touch - something may fall into place.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 8:14 pm
by geoskid
tas-man wrote:Hi freespirit, one of the Launceston Walking Club members is happy to take you from Launceston to Cradle on Saturday. I will send you his contact details by PM when I get home.
Whoops , thats how long it takes me to type.
Well done Tas-man! We may be shy on services (at short notice), but it all works out in the end!
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 8:37 pm
by tastrax
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Wed 24 Feb, 2010 9:25 pm
by corvus
tas-man wrote:Are you booked to start the walk on Saturday? If you can post details of when and where you arrive in Tassie - assume Launceston airport - there may be forum members that can assist you in getting to Cradle on Saturday to start your walk.
If I was able to assist Interstate walkers to the start of the OLT do you know what my liability would be.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Thu 25 Feb, 2010 7:48 am
by freespirit
Hi Tas-man, really appreciate your help, i have decided not to go ahead with the walk because of not enough time to do it, and because it is isolated and i'm alone doing the track, i'm taking it easy and will do next time, for this time i will jus enjoy Tasmania. Thanks all for your time and help, this is a gr8 forum and all the ppl are very helpful. cheers.
Re: Launceston to Cradle

Mon 01 Mar, 2010 11:13 am
by jamesp
Its still peak season & lots of people are doing the Overland at this time, so its not likely that doing it "alone" would be a problem.
If you want to go & haven't got an offer -PM me -I might be able to help.