Waterfall Valley.

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Waterfall Valley.

Postby Mechanic-AL » Thu 05 Aug, 2021 1:38 pm

Ive booked in for my second trip down the OT with the intention of doing some of the side trips that got by-passed the first time.
Just wondering if there is any usual access down into Waterfall Valley. Would love to get down there and checkout some of the falls.
Looks like approaching from the Lake Holmes area might work. Happy to spend the whole day in that area if needed.
Please send any info you think doesnt need to be in the public domain via PM

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Re: Waterfall Valley.

Postby Nuts » Thu 05 Aug, 2021 2:43 pm

You may find a break somewhere south but it's otherwise hemmed by cliffs north and south.. The usual routes just go down the main valley? (the map-marked falls track may be a good place to start from).
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