Cradle Mountain Summit.. At Night

From the weather report it sounded as though the weekend was going to be clearing up so we didn't know what to expect that night. From the overcast coast I didn't think it would get any better further inland and even more so after a bit of a drizzy on the drive. To my surprise it was a pretty humid and warm night lakeside. The sky was covered in cloud with not the slightest sign of a moon or stars. After referring to the trusty 'ol GPS we discovered the moon had set at 7pm, so it was gonna be a dark night regardless.
Me and my mate met up at Dove Lake carpark at 8:30pm ready and rearing to go in our attempt to reach the Cradle Mountain summit in the dark. In such warm conditions it was a hot and sweaty climb up to Marions, just as much so as doing it during the day. From the first of the chains we started getting into the mist which cut back visibility quite significantly. We were both relieved to finally come out on top and have the nice cool breeze cool us down. The cool breeze made sure we didn't stay put for long. We did good time across Cradle Plateau having no dramas finding our way and before long we made it to Kitchen Hut. We dumped out packs and had a drink and a bite before leaving Kitchen Hut at around 10pm.
We began ascending finding it pretty easy going at first. Once we left the dirt and got onto the rocks things became a bit trickier. Visibility would have been 5-6 meters at best so it was quite hard to spot some of the poles. We had been making out way up for almost half an hour when my mates head torch battery decided to go flat. We contemplated turning back but our desired to make it to the top made it only a mere inconvenience. We pushed on, initially me leading the way then pointing my beam back so he could see what he was doing. This was working but taking awhile. After a little we changed our approach, I went behind and he took the lead which ended up working heaps better; I could still see where I was going and my beam was pointed far enough forward he could see where he was going too. With all the mist in the air it made seeing kind of like wearing fogged up sunglasses, as the light kind of reflects off the mist making a sort of glare. It was kind of weird how some stretches of rock were bone dry while others were as wet as they'd just been rained on. As we got higher we noticed a few gaps in the clouds every now and then. A few times we switched the light off and got some really clear views of the stars and could just make out the outline of the mountain. The view of down below was pretty cool too, the valleys were completely covered in fog with only the cirque area leading toward Barn Bluff sticking out. The views never lasted long as the cloud was moving pretty quick. We made really reasonable time on the way up, faster than a lot of people doing during the day when they can see where there walking! We made it to the summit at 11 something. From there we got the best views of the day, well night. You could just make out the boulders along the top, some awesome views of the stars, and the fog in the valleys. After having a look on the GPS we could just make out the outline of Barn Bluff almost hidden in cloud. We only stayed on top got 5 mins or so until we got a move on heading back down. On the way down we had a lot more success finding the poles quickly and we got back to Kitchen Hut in no time (1ish). From there we contemplated where to spend the night. We decided against Waterfall Valley in the end and headed in the direction of Scott Kilvett, via the Face Track. It was easy walking along the Face Track besides maybe two little vague areas. We didn't end up getting to bed until the early hours of Saturday.
The next morning we awoke expecting to see some blue sky and sunshine, however that wasn't to be, it was just as overcast as the day before. We got packed up and made our way out over Hansons Peak, took a quick sidetrip up Mt Campbell and arrived back to the carpark mid-morning thus concluding the trip. I'd been eyeing off doing Cradle Mountain in the night for quite some time so it was great to finally give it a go and tick it off my list. It was one of the most exciting trips I've done for awhile, something completely different then the norm. One of the best things about doing a walk like this at night is you know you're not gonna be having run-ins with hoards of tourists! We'll definitely be doing something like this again sometime. Quite fitting that it was my fourth night walk in the Cradle Mountain area and the fourth time I've summited Cradle Mountain too!
Me and my mate met up at Dove Lake carpark at 8:30pm ready and rearing to go in our attempt to reach the Cradle Mountain summit in the dark. In such warm conditions it was a hot and sweaty climb up to Marions, just as much so as doing it during the day. From the first of the chains we started getting into the mist which cut back visibility quite significantly. We were both relieved to finally come out on top and have the nice cool breeze cool us down. The cool breeze made sure we didn't stay put for long. We did good time across Cradle Plateau having no dramas finding our way and before long we made it to Kitchen Hut. We dumped out packs and had a drink and a bite before leaving Kitchen Hut at around 10pm.
We began ascending finding it pretty easy going at first. Once we left the dirt and got onto the rocks things became a bit trickier. Visibility would have been 5-6 meters at best so it was quite hard to spot some of the poles. We had been making out way up for almost half an hour when my mates head torch battery decided to go flat. We contemplated turning back but our desired to make it to the top made it only a mere inconvenience. We pushed on, initially me leading the way then pointing my beam back so he could see what he was doing. This was working but taking awhile. After a little we changed our approach, I went behind and he took the lead which ended up working heaps better; I could still see where I was going and my beam was pointed far enough forward he could see where he was going too. With all the mist in the air it made seeing kind of like wearing fogged up sunglasses, as the light kind of reflects off the mist making a sort of glare. It was kind of weird how some stretches of rock were bone dry while others were as wet as they'd just been rained on. As we got higher we noticed a few gaps in the clouds every now and then. A few times we switched the light off and got some really clear views of the stars and could just make out the outline of the mountain. The view of down below was pretty cool too, the valleys were completely covered in fog with only the cirque area leading toward Barn Bluff sticking out. The views never lasted long as the cloud was moving pretty quick. We made really reasonable time on the way up, faster than a lot of people doing during the day when they can see where there walking! We made it to the summit at 11 something. From there we got the best views of the day, well night. You could just make out the boulders along the top, some awesome views of the stars, and the fog in the valleys. After having a look on the GPS we could just make out the outline of Barn Bluff almost hidden in cloud. We only stayed on top got 5 mins or so until we got a move on heading back down. On the way down we had a lot more success finding the poles quickly and we got back to Kitchen Hut in no time (1ish). From there we contemplated where to spend the night. We decided against Waterfall Valley in the end and headed in the direction of Scott Kilvett, via the Face Track. It was easy walking along the Face Track besides maybe two little vague areas. We didn't end up getting to bed until the early hours of Saturday.
The next morning we awoke expecting to see some blue sky and sunshine, however that wasn't to be, it was just as overcast as the day before. We got packed up and made our way out over Hansons Peak, took a quick sidetrip up Mt Campbell and arrived back to the carpark mid-morning thus concluding the trip. I'd been eyeing off doing Cradle Mountain in the night for quite some time so it was great to finally give it a go and tick it off my list. It was one of the most exciting trips I've done for awhile, something completely different then the norm. One of the best things about doing a walk like this at night is you know you're not gonna be having run-ins with hoards of tourists! We'll definitely be doing something like this again sometime. Quite fitting that it was my fourth night walk in the Cradle Mountain area and the fourth time I've summited Cradle Mountain too!