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camping on the overland track

Wed 28 Apr, 2010 7:05 pm
by zorro
I was wanting to revisit the overland track after a long absence and would like to know what restrictions there are on camping.I see Frog Flats is designated on the map but thats it.I will be doing this trip solo , camping and not really keen on crowds.
Re: camping on the overland track

Wed 28 Apr, 2010 10:15 pm
by DaveNoble
Generally people are encouraged to camp at the designated campsites (= tent platforms) near the huts - but not restricted to this. There are lots of nice campsites just off the track - and good ones out of site of the track as well.
Re: camping on the overland track

Thu 29 Apr, 2010 4:02 pm
by zorro
I thought I might start with sanctioned camping sites to start with as a rough guide,I really didn't expect people to share their secret spots with me.
After looking around the site I realise Du Cane [not hut] is one such place,what about around Old Pelion? Is there a map that can tell me more?
Re: camping on the overland track

Thu 29 Apr, 2010 4:10 pm
by Son of a Beach
You can camp at both DuCane and Old Pelion, but you're not permitted to stay in those huts these days.
Re: camping on the overland track

Thu 29 Apr, 2010 9:50 pm
by Erica
As far as I know, the only places that there are signs etc asking you NOT to camp there are around Lake Windemere and near New Pelion Hut. There are some nice places around Pine Forest Moor I think. Haven't actually camped there myself but I met a group once that were doing the track very slowly and were camping most nights between the huts. Also I've heard near Lake Will can be quite nice. I know theres an spot where the trackies were camping just off the path on the way down to the lake.
Re: camping on the overland track

Fri 30 Apr, 2010 8:14 am
by cixelsyd
From memory, I saw a sign that said "No camping" on that amazing plateau between Waterfall and Windemere huts. I reckon that would be an amazing place to view the sunset and then the sunrise. No kidding, the views are almost 360 degrees. It was pretty spectacular.
Also there is a place about 1 - 1.5 kms before you get to frog flats, which looks like a tent platform with a bench. It's situated right near a pretty good stream. I thought that might be a kewl camp site at the time but didn't want to stop at 11:00 am.
All in all, I reckon the huts for the OT are almost perfectly placed for hiking hut to hut. I can understand people wanting to use their tents though. I passed a swedish guy on the track last year at Pelion Hut and we were talking about tents and when I told him I had a (swedish) Hilleberg tent he said that if he had a Hilleberg tent he would be sleeping in that and not the hut. I still slept in the hut

Re: camping on the overland track

Fri 30 Apr, 2010 4:17 pm
by zorro
To me,the whole camping part of it provides some unbelievable experiences,especially solo.When you are out there with nothing but the sounds of the bush it is truly amazing.It's heartening to know that not too much has changed,the last time I did the track there was only 1 hut at Pelion.I know the huts are great for meeting people but for me I'd rather be using them for lunch stops.What happened to Cirque hut?
Re: camping on the overland track

Fri 30 Apr, 2010 5:05 pm
by abowen
Be wary of leeches at Frog Flats if you camp there and at Du Cane there is a resident snake near some of the fallen logs (not a concern this time of the year though). Have camped art Du Cane and it is a nice open patch - nice outdoor toilet too with a very unique signpost system!
Re: camping on the overland track

Fri 30 Apr, 2010 6:25 pm
by corvus
zorro wrote:To me,the whole camping part of it provides some unbelievable experiences,especially solo.When you are out there with nothing but the sounds of the bush it is truly amazing.It's heartening to know that not too much has changed,the last time I did the track there was only 1 hut at Pelion.I know the huts are great for meeting people but for me I'd rather be using them for lunch stops.What happened to Cirque hut?
It was in the wrong place with constant water flow under the sub structure,don't you remember the dunny on a lean
Re: camping on the overland track

Sat 01 May, 2010 10:36 am
by Son of a Beach
Cirque Hut burned down, I think.
Re: camping on the overland track

Sat 01 May, 2010 6:09 pm
by corvus
Son of a Beach wrote:Cirque Hut burned down, I think.
Cirque Hut was removed by Parks.
Re: camping on the overland track

Sat 01 May, 2010 9:05 pm
by Erica
corvus wrote:Son of a Beach wrote:Cirque Hut burned down, I think.
Cirque Hut was removed by Parks I am certain.
I think it was actually a combination of both... got somewhat burnt and then was removed.
Re: camping on the overland track

Sat 01 May, 2010 9:13 pm
by corvus
Located on the Cirque above Waterfall Valley. Now a site only.
Built by the NPWS in Tasmania, to support the ever increasing number of walkers, about 1989, especially those lost in this area where the weather can be particularly fierce.
Removed, after a few years, due to snow creep.
Caretakers - Parks Tasmania
Profile last updated 11 March 2004.
Re: camping on the overland track

Sun 02 May, 2010 11:44 am
by zorro
I hadn't had a chance to see Cirque hut as I was last there in 1982.God I feel old.Is this site worth pencilling in as a prospective camp site or is it too exposed?
Re: camping on the overland track

Sun 02 May, 2010 12:46 pm
by Son of a Beach
zorro wrote:I hadn't had a chance to see Cirque hut as I was last there in 1982.God I feel old.Is this site worth pencilling in as a prospective camp site or is it too exposed?
I stayed in Cirque Hut in about 1988 or 1989.

Re: camping on the overland track

Sun 02 May, 2010 5:40 pm
by corvus
Sorry about the date mix up I should have read the grab properly prior to sending

and I visited it in 1992.