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transport from Lake St Claire

PostPosted: Sat 28 Aug, 2010 8:31 pm
by captain41
I am starting the OT on a Saturday so I guess my last walking day is Thursday. The Tassielink bus to go to Hobart from Lake St Claire leaves at 1145am Thurs or 8pm Friday. There's no chance of making the Thursday bus, so can anyone recommend another bus company that operates Thursday afternoon?

Re: transport from Lake St Claire

PostPosted: Sun 29 Aug, 2010 5:39 pm
by cixelsyd
you could charter a bus/taxi. McDermotts do this. I've used them twice and both times Paul was my driver. I believe there may be other people on the forum willing to provide a charter, but I don't know this to be a fact.

Re: transport from Lake St Claire

PostPosted: Mon 30 Aug, 2010 7:23 am
by Erica
do you have to go home on the thursday? spend another day in the national park, climb an extra mountain, go into pine valley :)
much more fun than hobart!

Re: transport from Lake St Claire to hobart

PostPosted: Mon 14 Feb, 2011 8:48 pm
by katapunta
Hi there. We are also going to do the overland but in late february. We are starting on a saturday but It s a bit imposible to figure out when will we fininsh the walk, if a thursday or a friday, so We are tempted to just don't book any transport to hobart and either hitchhike or try book a bus on same day.

Any of you think we should definately book transport out of Lake saint clare?. if worse comes to worse our plane doesn't leave hobart until sunday morning.