Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

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Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby steveh72 » Sun 22 May, 2011 1:39 pm

I was planning a walk - (after winter though) which is Cradle Mountain to Pellion & then walk out via Arm River Track. That way the wife could drop me off at Cradle Mt & pick up again at Lake Rowallan in 4 days time - easier as we live in Launceston.

The teenage sons wish to come along which I am happy to encourage, however do we have to pay the $160ïsh each to use the OT, I have noticed that some people on the forum say you don't when you only walk part of the track and I have a friend who says you do. Whilst I understand that fees are required for upkeep of huts track etc & I support same, $160 x 3 does add up very quick.

Can you pay a part fee or am I best planning another route say WOJ.

Next time I am near a PWS office I will ask but I thought I would ask here as well.


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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby stepbystep » Sun 22 May, 2011 1:49 pm

No you don't have to pay to do part of it.
If you go at peak times you will get harassed by other walkers/rangers for going 'the wrong way', and the ranger will hassle you at the huts for an OT pass, but so long as you have a parks pass they can't do anything.

All info is here viewtopic.php?f=25&t=597
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby steveh72 » Sun 22 May, 2011 2:34 pm

Thanks for the reply.

My plans were to start at Cradle Mountain that way I wouldn't be walking backwards "so to speak".

I was more worried about "getting hassled" & wrongly getting booted off the track - though I am not quite sure how this would actually be done.

I would only stay in hut if there was nasty weather otherwise I would tent it.

I have a parks pass so that isn't an issue, I thought I might get a letter of something from Parks confirming that I was only going as far as Pellion if this was possiable.

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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby weetbix456 » Mon 08 Aug, 2011 8:03 pm

Sorry to rebump this thread if the answer is somewhere to be found (couldn't find the answer in the overland reference and this seemed the best place). I'll be taking a group of family & friends across the Overland when the booking system is in place later in the year. However, I will be leaving them at Windy Ridge and traversing the Du Cane, then over Gould to Lake Marion and out to Cynthia Bay via the Curvier Valley. I'm happy to pay the fee if need be, BUT does this mean i really NEED to?? I feel like Windy Ridge is a bit of a last minute dog act skimp to avoid paying but i understand it's ok to exit via Arm River as you're not completing the entire track. The rest of the group are taking the ferry out and will be paying their fees. PM if you would prefer. Thanks for any info!

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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby norts » Mon 08 Aug, 2011 8:23 pm

Sound to me like you are walking the OT and then doing an alernate end to the OT. Cuvier Valley is alternate end to the walk. One I have used a few times.
When you exit at Arm River you have only walked half the OT.
Your starting at Cradle and ending at Lake St Clair and travelling mainly on the OT. Only bit you will be missing will be the Windy Ridge to Cuvier Valley. I think you are drawing a long bow to say your not walking the OT.

How are you getting from Marion to Cuvier?

It will be up to you to convince a Ranger that you're not walking the OT.

You probaly need to talk to someone at Parks rather than relying on info you will get here. Most info you get here, I presume will be like mine, just an opinion
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby pazzar » Mon 08 Aug, 2011 8:25 pm

Just walk out via Rufus to Rufus Canal - then you skip the ending at St Clair.
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby Nuts » Mon 08 Aug, 2011 8:38 pm

norts wrote:You probaly need to talk to someone at Parks rather than relying on info you will get here. Most info you get here, I presume will be like mine, just an opinion

Yer, probably a good idea to ask someone (as 'high' as possible) in parks, get an answer before heading out there. I'd say its almost certain that the track staff will try to turn you around. Its happened well short of there.

Be great to have a formal understanding on this posted here, i doubt you'll find one (imagine trying to formulate a policy on it...) but please let us know if you do. I might have mentioned before of meeting a guy turned around at WR who had planned to head up Ossa and back, felt a bit sorry (and annoyed) for the guy, interstate travel/annual holiday to be subject to a kangaroo court of one.

I'm all for fairness and paying fees but with them come an obligation to set some rules and the goalposts.
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby weetbix456 » Mon 08 Aug, 2011 8:55 pm

Yea thanks for the replys guys. It's real hard to find definitive answers on this topic..despite seeming a FAQ.

Norts, I agree and that's why I'm sure to end up paying. There would be nothing worse than spoiling a trip being constantly harassed and paranoid! Where do these high men in high places hide this time of year?? I'll get back to you if i work some magic :wink:
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby Nuts » Mon 08 Aug, 2011 9:00 pm

weetbix456 wrote: Where do these high men in high places hide this time of year?? I'll get back to you if i work some magic :wink:

Wellll......I'd start with the minister (but dont mention my name :lol: )
I'd ask on your behalf but there are so many fish to fry they'll be thinking i'm Just ...er...nuts...
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby corvus » Mon 08 Aug, 2011 9:10 pm

steveh 72
If you are not doing the full Overland Track as of this date you DO NOT need an OLT Pass end of story !!
If you get asked /harassed by Parks Staff just remind them of the RULES and in reality what can they do ? personally escort you out of the Park, arrange for the Police to meet and charge you :shock: I think not lol:
Too much what if ? as if ? crap from Parks, where are the fees being spent ?? not on the track last time I went!! so please enjoy your walk.
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby South_Aussie_Hiker » Tue 09 Aug, 2011 6:06 pm

I agree with Corvus, the rangers might try it on, but essentially you are not completing the Overland Track to Cynthia Bay, so you don't pay the Overland Track fee. End of story.

If you are still worried, just email parks for confirmation that access via arm river doesn't require you to purchase an OT pass. Print out and carry the email, and if you get any grief, just show it to the rangers.

Having said all that, if you aren't paying the OT fee, it's probably considered good form to leave the smaller huts for those who have paid the fee. If the hut is still half empty after 8pm or so, then you should be right to find a bed inside.
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby Nuts » Tue 09 Aug, 2011 8:30 pm

I would just add that the regular field staff out there seem like good people. As often happens, anything too hard is left to filter down for someone else to deal with, perhaps they do now have a clear set of rules. It would still be worth getting advice from the lofty heights where these decisions should really be made.
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby steveh72 » Wed 10 Aug, 2011 9:21 pm

The silly thing is, I'm am actually quite happy to pay a fee, as yes I will be using the park's resouces etc & somebody has to pay for their wages, track maintainence etc, I just wish I could pay a part fee as I legitimately will only be walking half the track & with the family ($180 x 5 is just a little steep IMHO)as the full fee would cost me a small fortune.

Perhaps this is something for Parks to consider.


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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby tastrax » Wed 10 Aug, 2011 9:33 pm

I would suggest a donation at the Visitor Centre when you walk out - they will gladly accept it.

Or maybe a donation here?

http://www.wildcaretas.org.au/programs? ... _type_ID=6
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Re: Walking part of OT - fees payable ?

Postby steveh72 » Wed 10 Aug, 2011 9:40 pm

Hi Phil,

Damm good idea :D :D :D .

Shall do.

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