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Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Wed 22 Jun, 2011 12:57 pm
by webuniverse
Im a keen fly flicker and this i read in another forum that there are a few spots to fly fish along the overland track, permit was required. Now it was not clear though i think the person was reffering to the final trip along lake st claire. Does anyone on here know if you can fish anywhere along the walk and where ?


Re: Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Wed 22 Jun, 2011 1:34 pm
by Azza ... ions-chart

Looks like there is trout in Dove Lake and Lake St Clair..
So the start and finish.. I can't really see there being much in between at least not enough to get excited about.
Lake Windemere maybe.

Re: Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Wed 22 Jun, 2011 2:23 pm
Yes or Lake Will perhaps? All the other lakes are quite a way off the track. If it was a fishing walk you wanted, probably better off on the tiers, around Ironstone. But if it's a walk with the chance of a fish you were after, the OT might be ok.

Re: Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Wed 22 Jun, 2011 5:21 pm
by Erica
No trout in Windermere, just small native fish. Think it might be the same with Lake Will, but not sure.

Have fished at Hartnett Falls (down the bottom or up the top) where there are some small rainbow and brown trout, but think thats pretty much the only spot (or anywhere along the Mersey) on the track (well, really just off the track).

Good luck!

Re: Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Wed 22 Jun, 2011 7:30 pm
by Graham51
Yes, I think you'll find the only lakes with fish are Dove and StClair. If you take the side trip to Petrarch that is supposed to hold plenty of trout, especially the northern end in the marshes. Also Shadow and Forgotten Lakes both have trout. Mersey River and Narcissus would also both be good prospects if you like river fishing,

Re: Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Thu 23 Jun, 2011 5:03 pm
by webuniverse
Thanks fella's , the new plan is to head up in mid October, travelling alone so i will have space for a rod a reel and a few fly's.

Re: Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Sat 25 Jun, 2011 12:21 am
by Joel
Dove Lake sucks the big one.
If you have the time it is soooo worth packing the rod for Lake St. Clair.
I lived on the shore of the lake for about a year. It is a freaking awesome fishery. Even if you only have a day to fish, if you get decent conditions you will have a great time October...get to the lagoon before dawn and hunt the tailers with a fiery brown beetle. I always used a #10 Wullf or something (don't think it matters really) with the beetle on a dropper (short, 40cm about). You can get alot on the dry.

Re: Fishing along the overland track

PostPosted: Sat 25 Jun, 2011 12:22 am
by Joel
I forgot to add, apart from St. Clair, forget fly fishing on the OLT.