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getting from lake st clair to cradle mountain???

PostPosted: Mon 18 Jul, 2011 6:23 pm
by tassiehiker
hi i am booked to the the ot on the 6th of feb its a monday so im gonna drive to cradel on the sunday stay the night then leave in the morn...... i know that i can leave my car at cradel but how to i get back there from lake st clair???? any ideas would be great cheers

Re: getting from lake st clair to cradle mountain???

PostPosted: Mon 18 Jul, 2011 7:38 pm
by Joel

Re: getting from lake st clair to cradle mountain???

PostPosted: Tue 19 Jul, 2011 9:54 am
by South_Aussie_Hiker
Hi Tassiehiker.

I'm in a party of 4 departing on that exact same day from Cradle.

We plan to finish the hike on the morning of Monday 13th. We will be returning back to Launceston on a chartered bus, but even if you are finishing the Overland at the same time, I guess it's of no use to get to Launceston as the Tassielink buses from there to Cradle don't run until the Wednesday.