Quoting from an unfinished discussion on another thread:
gwynfa wrote:The highest point still remains in excess of 1110m so this should replace the Abels location of 1108, marked as The Dial on recent maps and the Needles in the Abel list.
In preparing for a celebratory trip with a friend for his final Abel, I was looking at LISTmap, and noticed that the tower about 170m SW ish of the spot height of 1108m, has a contour of 1110m, indicating that it, rather than the one next to Stuart Saddle, is the actual high point. Given the circumstances, I'd much rather know for sure which one is the highest. Unless that topographic basemap on LISTmap is a glitch, I reckon most of us will have climbed the wrong one, and the Abels book (at least edition 1 of Volume 2) is wrong.
Has anybody looked into this? Thanks for any clarification.