Sun 04 Jun, 2023 2:17 pm
Sun 04 Jun, 2023 3:34 pm
Mon 05 Jun, 2023 1:17 am
Mon 05 Jun, 2023 9:18 am
Mon 05 Jun, 2023 6:32 pm
headwerkn wrote:There's no specific booking system in place, but Parks (as per Overland Track Usage Guidelines do appreciate an email or phone call just to inform them of your itinerary. This is so they can keep tabs on who's where in case of emergencies ie. bushfires. And presumably get an idea of how many groups are using the 'off track' circuits near the OLT.
They generally prefer groups to go clockwise ie. in Pine Valley-Labyrinth and out via Falling Mountain. Occasionally you might meet a little 'resistance' going anticlockwise; strictly speaking going north beyond Bert Nicholls Hut is kinda pushing the usual OLT Booking System rules. But that's a moot point if you're going in September.
Good luck with the trip - it's a beautiful area, on a clear day you can literally see 3/4 of the state. Reiterating Last's comment, keep a very close eye on the weather... between Du Cane and Falling is very exposed. We've had too many trips there cancelled due to bad weather.
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