Gaiagps Navigation App

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Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby Maraea48 » Mon 07 Jan, 2019 8:11 pm

The Old and New Minnow Falls tracks are now shown on the GAIAGPS topo map.
GAIAGPS is an “must have” navigation app for IOS devices i.e. iPhone, iPad, iPod and Android devices i.e. Android Tablets and Phones. The software can be down loaded for free from the App Store [Apple-iTunes for IOS] and Google App Store [for Android] The app comes with a basic world-wide map but If you become a GAIAGPS member [$27.99 AUD per annum] you have access to 50 world-wide maps and overlays as well as unlimited map downloads. When you down load maps to your device you can use these off-line, even when there is no signal. The app can also map [record] your walk so you can always find your way back, and you can save the track for future use. A premium subscription will give you access to 250 maps and overlays and a host of other features. We have been using the GAIAGPS App with basic member ship for a month now and recently upgraded to premium membership. And I believe my Garmin GPS64s with OZTOPO V8 maps has just become obsolete. Gaia uses open source topo and street maps as well as satellite maps which have been pretty accurate in Western Australia. Have not had a chance yet to use it in Tasmania. You can also access the maps on your computer and that is how we discovered the Minnow Falls Tracks. The only drawback with using your phone is battery live, but you can overcome that with a power-bank. Kogan has some pretty good selection of those things
Screenshot (95).png
Gaiagps Topo Map
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Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby crollsurf » Mon 07 Jan, 2019 9:06 pm

I use it in NSW and think it is worth the money. I really like the way it syncs between your PC and your phone, so you can do all your planning on your PC and it becomes available on your phone.

I'm sure there are others out there but GaiaGPS is one of the best for sure.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby crollsurf » Fri 30 Aug, 2024 10:21 pm

Whenever something good (GaiaGPS) gets bought out by a big company (in this case Outside), things go downhill pretty quickly.
First they started spamming me.
Then they jacked the price.
Then they created me as a Outside user on their website without asking permission or telling me.
Now they have defaulted all my data to public.

Time to start looking elsewhere me thinks.

To change your activity to "private", after your account has been created go to and update your settings for "Profile Privacy", which was automatically set to "Public", and "Activity Privacy", which was automatically set to "Everyone".

To quote Cory Doctorow:
Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. I call this enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value..."
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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby ofuros » Sat 31 Aug, 2024 7:17 am

Thanks for the privacy heads up...done.
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby Tyreless » Sat 31 Aug, 2024 4:04 pm

ofuros wrote:Thanks for the privacy heads up...done.

Me too. Sneaky so and sos.
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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby tastrax » Sat 31 Aug, 2024 4:13 pm

Maraea48 wrote:......And I believe my Garmin GPS64s with OZTOPO V8 maps has just become obsolete.

Why do you think is now obsolete? You can add OSM maps to it and edit OSM if you find errors. Also much better battery life generally.
Cheers - Phil

OSM Mapper
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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby johnw » Sat 31 Aug, 2024 7:34 pm

crollsurf wrote:Whenever something good (GaiaGPS) gets bought out by a big company (in this case Outside), things go downhill pretty quickly.

I only have the free version, which I've found very useful. I wondered why I was forced to log in the other day, then had to change my password on Outside, which I don't remember ever signing up to.
John W

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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby phATty » Fri 06 Sep, 2024 9:42 am

Considering the LIST is so great it's ashame that there appears to be no simple barebones navigation apps that can download that data, atleast on iOS.
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Re: Gaiagps Navigation App

Postby Son of a Beach » Fri 06 Sep, 2024 10:37 am

phATty wrote:Considering the LIST is so great it's ashame that there appears to be no simple barebones navigation apps that can download that data, atleast on iOS.

There are. Bit Map will do this. (I'm the developer, BTW.) See:

(and: the Tasmania section at: )

Bit Map will use a wide variety of open spatial data services and file formats.
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