"Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

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"Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby weetbix456 » Mon 26 Aug, 2024 8:59 pm

It appears that PWS have the Tyndall Range locked away as their preferred "Next Iconic Walk" destination. Over the next few weeks there will be a bunch of info sessions across the state - which don't seem (at least on surface level) to allow much collaborative talk. What are our remaining options for opposition, alternatives or comment? Would be great to find out. If we can't sway them to spend this money elsewhere on more appropriate proposals, or existing tracks that are in desperate need of upgrades - what are the best options to make this as painless as possible?

I personally believe the current proposal has many holes. A major hut complex on the shores of Lake Huntley is heart-breaking...and the lack of thought on how to manage/harden the predictable surge of interest across the free to access plateau tracks. If it really has to be here - I feel I'd rather see the project broken into "stages" working north to south, adding to the eventual overall through walk...hardening of preferred tracks up and across the plateau (it's inevitable that this will get visitation one way or another), maybe an accommodation node somewhere around Lake Malcom (to avoid building around Huntley) where side trips can branch off in the initial phases (Newton Peak, Mt Tyndall, Lake Huntley, Walford Peak). Lake Spicer Track could be used as a return loop option. Eventually this northern section could remain a Parks Pass only needed short visit area similar to WFV or SKH in Cradle Region if the main route maintains its large proposed fee. Exit via Lake Margaret still, or via Lake Burbury? Keen to hear peoples thoughts..
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Re: "Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby north-north-west » Tue 27 Aug, 2024 8:27 am

The biggest problem I have with it is the Huntley glut. As you said, it's a totally inappropriate place for it. Some aspects of the route seem weird to me, but I suppose they think they need to up the wow factor. I've mentioned elsewhere the route I would use: Spicer Track to Walford Gap, around Walford and down the back, with the glut on the flatter ground behind Walford - this gives stunning views of Huntley and the Tyndall cliffs without impinging on the more sensitive lakeside area itself. Thence to the saddle south of Huntley's outlet, and south over Farquhar Lookout to the P lakes and up over Sedgwick's shoulder with another glut near Adam. Then take them around the edges to Sedgwick Bluff and drop them down into the old Lake Margaret township. There could be side tracks to Newton, Walford, Huntley, Sedgwick, Sedgwick Bluff, maybe down to the M lakes area, maybe even up to Tyndall (but why put in a new track from Newton Gap when there's an existing summit track?). The 4WD access issue would also need to be dealt with.
But the plateau has to be protected in some way first. None of this area is NP - which is one of the reasons they're targeting it - and that is something else that should be changed. Most of the West Coast Range reserves have no protection against logging or mining activities (hence the "exploration" work on the Darwin plateau), but a fee-only walk (especially a fee like that) won't work if anything like that is happening in the immediate area. And yet if the reserve status was changed to NP, they could not prevent access for Parks Pass holders, so they've made themselves a neat little Catch-22 there.

There are so many other options in the area for walking tracks, if only they'd get out of the idea that they have to be able to make money out of it. Most of the line of the old Comstock railway still exists, circling around Mt Lyell - that should be cleaned up and used. It could even be connected to this proposed Tyndall track, or some version of it.
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Re: "Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby weetbix456 » Tue 27 Aug, 2024 1:24 pm

Thanks NNW. Your mentioned route notes on another post were factors in reaching out for different ideas here. Agreed regarding NP status and/or track hardening of some kind up across the plateau tracks. I guess my sway towards a new route up the eastern side would be to try to discourage camping on the plateau in the future if there are other options that are also accessible, free (or cheap) and more sheltered. I foresee major impact if the plateau is unmanaged, with users looking to dodge the fees.

Long term vision to have a network of tracks that radiate about the north/eastern portion of the “park”. Accomodation node somewhere in there like you said, a hardened plateau access track up the ridge that leads to the cliffs of Lake Huntley starting from near Lake Malcom (an eventual side trip of the main through walk), and other side trips like you have mentioned to other notable features (in summer walkers are going to have some serious cabin fever with the planned short days). The old access track can have some minor hardening work to it and remain a way for walkers to still access the plateau (or could be closed and rehabilitated), and this creates circuit options again into the north eastern zone.

The through walk could continue on south from this northern portion, that is more accessible to all (I guess a bit like how it works from the Cradle region, or central Walls). If accomodation type is booked per night rather than a flat track fee, could this mean various users could still utilise the tracks without pricing them out of the area? Not sure. Walkers will still want to visit Geikie and Sedgwick, so you can’t kick them out. Have to try and work with the realities, and I’d rather see official tracks put in than watch the plateau get slowly smooshed to death by lack of foresight and planning..
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Re: "Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby north-north-west » Tue 27 Aug, 2024 3:09 pm

There is a rough route between Huntley and the plateau, via the ridge on the south side of the lake. One section has to be sidled but mostly it's just following the obvious moraine down to the saddle and then an easy drop to the lake. A faint pad exists in places, although it's hard to follow in the scrubbiest sections. That would make a great loop with Walford and the Tyndall summit; doable as a longer day or a very easy overnighter camping on the saddle or near the gap.
While I'd rather not have the clueless numpties who'd be doing this walk up on the plateau, it may not be possible to avoid it, so I hope they go that way. The map I've seen of this "iconic" proposal - which is apparently the finalised route - shows it leaving the Spicer track at Newton Gap and curling up around Rollaston and appears to involve an ascent of Huntley Lookout which, given how steep that thing is there, is going to be a nightmare to construct and maintain; it would probably be their prefered departure point for a summit circuit back to Newton Gap and that's pretty sensitive ground.

Bob Brown's trans-Tarkine track would have been a far better option, buit there's no way the government here (regardless of which of the big two are in charge) would accept anything he put forward.
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Re: "Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby Osik » Tue 27 Aug, 2024 6:18 pm

I've been away from Tassie for a fair few years now but spent plenty of time on the Tyndall range - have approached from the usual route from the west, the southern ridge via Mt Geike, & Lake Huntley (mostly used by base jumpers and the odd climber). It's a very special plateau that's already showing stress as a result of the Abels & word of mouth. If it becomes the location of the next 'iconic walk' the plateau will definitely become the 'must visited' part of the adventure. Soon enough the previously abandoned suggestions of glamping huts and heli-access will no doubt rear their head too. I understand the need to 'sacrifice' certain parts of the estate to protect others but agree with NNW that BB's suggestion of the Tarkine trail would've made more sense (though politics & extractive industries will no doubt prevent any move towards such a plan). Even expanding the WoJ possibilities (say walking in from the east) would be less problematic than the Tyndalls.
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Re: "Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby taswegian » Fri 20 Sep, 2024 7:29 am

Headlines in Advocate today, I can't read the article
Pitt says 'These people that are against it need to get out of the city'

Wondering if he's referring to comments such as on here and not taking them for what they are, rather than "you're all against it syndrome"?
Has he ever got "out of the city"? I've no idea.

Given the current government's aversion to dialogue, listening and consultation I can see this will be just rushed through and "haven't we done a good job" will be the mantra.
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Re: "Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby grunter » Fri 04 Oct, 2024 10:29 am

https://youtu.be/2RcA4Bc9Jvo?si=tjAv9DTrKchcrI54 here's a 10min video from parks regarding the next iconic walk.
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Re: "Next Iconic Walk" - Alternative Route Options

Postby phATty » Sat 05 Oct, 2024 12:23 pm

grunter wrote:https://youtu.be/2RcA4Bc9Jvo?si=tjAv9DTrKchcrI54 here's a 10min video from parks regarding the next iconic walk.

Makes me slightly sick haha. Heading there in a couple of weeks probably one last time before the excavators come in.
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