February Plains Huts

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February Plains Huts

Postby Malbena » Wed 25 Sep, 2013 9:28 pm

Hi, I am planning a visit to the February Plains to visit the Basil Steers Huts. I have been to the huts before but not walked from the northern ones to the smurf hut at the southern end. Is there a track the length of the plain? The track from the Arm River appeared to go beyond the smurf hut. I realise this is off track info so a PM would be appreciated.
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Re: February Plains Huts

Postby flyfisher » Sat 28 Sep, 2013 11:06 am

Generally just follow the path of least resistance.

Fantastic walking in that area, plenty of pads, you'll love it.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: February Plains Huts

Postby Malbena » Sun 29 Sep, 2013 6:47 pm

Thanks FF
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Re: February Plains Huts

Postby Overlandman » Mon 06 Jan, 2025 8:13 pm

Walked into Basil Steers Huts One & Two on Saturday.
Road in is getting overgrown and we needed to prune a few small limbs so the outlander didn’t get pin stripped
A lot of blue tape, so looks like more logging will be carried out.
Walked to Sardine Creek on the Bulldozer track & beyond for view off the east side of Cradle,
Then back to the turn off and up to Basil Steers Hut number Two, surprised at how neat and tidy the Hut was.
Then across the pads to Hut number One, then back down to the car.
It was a good circuit on a warm day
A lot of history up there.
Regards OLM
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Re: February Plains Huts

Postby taswegian » Fri 10 Jan, 2025 7:39 pm

Was it well attended? The event?
I got an invite but was elsewhere that day.

Certainly is rich in history, as is the whole of the high country across to Great Lake, Ouse etc.
Anyone interested should check out Nic Haygarth, Peter Brown writings
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