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158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Thu 23 Dec, 2021 11:43 am
by bumpingbill
"158 of Tasmania's hardest mountains. 158 days. $158,000 for Cancer Council Tasmania." Jan 4th with Collins Bonnet the first of many more mountains to follow.
A pretty amazing feat. Looking at the itinerary ( there are some
massive days/weeks in there. Huge distances and I wonder how much altitude it all adds up to be.
Will be fascinating to watch!
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Thu 23 Dec, 2021 4:49 pm
by north-north-west
I'd forgotten that was happening. Hope the support team can cope - it's going to be *&%$#! intense.
The timing is interesting. They've allowed a lot for the Rufus/Gell etc circuit, for instance. Even I can do that faster. But it makes sense to make room for a lay day here and there.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Thu 23 Dec, 2021 6:49 pm
by weetbix456
Woahh..yea right!! Great cause, wishing him all the best but yep VERY ambitious. Go hard, good luck

Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Thu 23 Dec, 2021 8:27 pm
by CBee
At least there's no Geryon south on the list.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Fri 24 Dec, 2021 4:31 am
by doogs
That's a very tough schedule. Hopefully the weather gods are kind for the longer and trickier peaks.
Are the Eastern Arthur's and West Portal open for walking now?
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Fri 24 Dec, 2021 5:59 am
by north-north-west
doogs wrote:That's a very tough schedule. Hopefully the weather gods are kind for the longer and trickier peaks.
Are the Eastern Arthur's and West Portal open for walking now?
Technically West Portal and Needles are off-limits, Fedders is OK. I'm assuming he has official permission for those.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Fri 24 Dec, 2021 6:52 am
by Tortoise
north-north-west wrote:doogs wrote:Technically West Portal and Needles are off-limits, Fedders is OK. I'm assuming he has official permission for those.
I checked with parks, because I found the website confusing. West Portal is open, but you have to go in and out via Lake Promontory. But yeah, still might be a good while before the Eastern Arfas are open again. It's hard to imagine Parks granting permission if phytophthera is the issue. I've read their "Closed means closed" and "Heavy fines" signs. Then there's fishing seasons, duck and deer hunting seasons, fires, blizzards, floods, lockdowns etc. to navigate.
But good on him for having a crack for a good cause, and having the capacity to even consider such a thing!
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Fri 24 Dec, 2021 7:43 am
by Nuts
Others have been low-key but this 'challenge' could be a thing, a rite of passage. T-shirts (wear-abels) and travel mugs (drink-abels) sold through a site. A different 'good cause' nominated each year. Heck yes dudes, I'm off to file an EOI.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 08 Jan, 2022 10:49 am
by bumpingbill
There's not many updates, but it seems we can tick off Collins Bonnet, Trestle Mountain, Mount Marion and Hartz Peak.
154 days to go!
EDIT: Oh I found an Instagram post. Mount Wedge too.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 08 Jan, 2022 2:37 pm
by weetbix456
Real test is gonna come when he starts diving into some of the grittier day trips one after another..or his first few back to back multi-dayers. Straightforward enough to clock up at least half via reasonable tracks (even in bad weather due to minimal nav etc) - but to best manage fatigue I personally wouldn’t wanna leave all the tougher/off-track trips for the last couple of months (coming into winter also)
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 08 Jan, 2022 2:48 pm
by bumpingbill
Yeah very much.
I was thinking about optimal strategies. As you say, what do you leave for cooler/winter months?
After getting a few under your belt (like we've seen so far), I'd be leaving the rest of the easier ones for later, and start tackling the harder ones. Anything with a defined track could probably wait as at least they're mentally easier than off-track walking.
But ultimately, as you say, the back to back nature is going to be utterly grueling.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 08 Jan, 2022 4:23 pm
by north-north-west
Schedule was for Snowy South, Nevada and Weld to have been completed by today, so he's already behind. The recent weather won't have helped.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 08 Jan, 2022 4:45 pm
by bumpingbill
Schedule seems to have changed a bit.
Wedge wasn't on the cards until March. Maybe he's going to stick around and do some more South West mountains? Like why do Wedge then go back and resume the schedule?
Minimising driving around and crossing the same ground would play a major role.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 12 Feb, 2022 5:57 am
by Rexyviney36
Thought it was really disappointing to see someone took it upon themselves to ‘write’ in his windscreen dust
“What effects does publicity have on wilderness?”
Lewi’s reply shows the character of the man I think. I don’t know him, never met him but he’s taking 6 months out of his life to hopefully make a difference in other people’s lives. Must be disheartening to get back to his vehicle and see that.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 12 Feb, 2022 6:03 am
by Rexyviney36
He’s up to 34 summits in 32 days if anyone is keeping score.
He’s raised $18k of his $158k goal for Cancer Tas.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 12 Feb, 2022 11:03 am
by doogs
Rexyviney36 wrote:Thought it was really disappointing to see someone took it upon themselves to ‘write’ in his windscreen dust
“What effects does publicity have on wilderness?”
I think it's a fair question by the scribe and to dismiss it is quite unthinking, no damage was done, merely something to ponder.
Lewi comes across as a really nice and intelligent guy, through following his adventures on Instagram. His reasons for taking on this massive challenge are extremely honourable. However, there are always question marks over the publicity of remote and sensitive wilderness areas through challenges like this. He has taken quite a soft approach to the publicity, which I commend, rather than a full scale assault on media and social media. He may not raise as much money by this method but it is far better to have a considered attitude.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 12 Feb, 2022 5:30 pm
by Rexyviney36
The scribe knew it was Lewi’s car, and would know what he’s doing.
He’s climbing peaks that are in books to raise money for people with cancer.
The scribe was having a dig at him…I consider that to be *&^%$#! poor, Doogs. I hope it doesn’t come across that I’m having a crack at you by the way. I’m only disappointed with the scribe.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 12 Feb, 2022 6:25 pm
by grunter
In doing so has now has added to the publicity

and don't touch another man's car. I had a "Wash Me" written on my car once. Might as well used sandpaper.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sun 13 Feb, 2022 11:29 am
by Nuts
Equally it could be seen as '*&^%$#! Poor' the park service hasn't gotten around to excluding charities, in being just another commercial activity. Which they are of course. Either in solo efforts like this or in charity events in dubious partnerships with business where they both take advantage of the good graces of public owners (and wallowing park management).
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sun 13 Feb, 2022 1:59 pm
by headwerkn
doogs wrote:I think it's a fair question by the scribe and to dismiss it is quite unthinking, no damage was done, merely something to ponder.
It's a fair (if tired and overbeaten) question to ask via a note under a windscreen or a private message on Instagram. Said scribe was simply grandstanding via petty vandalism - nothing more. If they keep that up they're likely to soon sport a broken wrist and perforated rectum (refer to the opening scene of "Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's Wife" in
Pulp Fiction if this basic premise confuses you).
Fortunately Levi's eloquent response made out said scribe for their foolish act and stale whine. Sad that someone engaged in such a worthy endeavour had to waste precious energy defending their motives. Levi's doing it perfectly right: high on entertainment value, low on details. No-one who wasn't already thinking about walking The Spires would have suddenly be convinced to, based on his last IG reel. What an effort!
I'd be sincerely surprised if more than 5% of his audience are serious bushwalkers. They're mostly just regular people, there to cheer him along the way and provide the support he deserves. Accusing him of influencing the masses to suddenly hit up every peak in Tasmania is a bit like accusing Nimsdai Purja of convincing couch dwellers worldwide to suddenly hit up every 8,000er in six months. It just isn't happening.
He's doing something extraordinarily ambitious for a great cause. Maybe a little too ambitious, sure; I have my doubts (weather and injury concerns mainly) but sincerely hope he proves me wrong. Either way people should be spending less time nitpicking and more time digging deep into their pockets. Seriously.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sun 13 Feb, 2022 8:27 pm
by taswanderer37
It's a fair (if tired and overbeaten) question to ask via a note under a windscreen or a private message on Instagram. Said scribe was simply grandstanding via petty vandalism - nothing more. If they keep that up they're likely to soon sport a broken wrist and perforated rectum (refer to the opening scene of "Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's Wife" in Pulp Fiction if this basic premise confuses you).
Fortunately Levi's eloquent response made out said scribe for their foolish act and stale whine. Sad that someone engaged in such a worthy endeavour had to waste precious energy defending their motives. Levi's doing it perfectly right: high on entertainment value, low on details. No-one who wasn't already thinking about walking The Spires would have suddenly be convinced to, based on his last IG reel. What an effort!
I'd be sincerely surprised if more than 5% of his audience are serious bushwalkers. They're mostly just regular people, there to cheer him along the way and provide the support he deserves. Accusing him of influencing the masses to suddenly hit up every peak in Tasmania is a bit like accusing Nimsdai Purja of convincing couch dwellers worldwide to suddenly hit up every 8,000er in six months. It just isn't happening.
He's doing something extraordinarily ambitious for a great cause. Maybe a little too ambitious, sure; I have my doubts (weather and injury concerns mainly) but sincerely hope he proves me wrong. Either way people should be spending less time nitpicking and more time digging deep into their pockets. Seriously.
Wholeheartedly agree with every word of this. Its disgraceful that anybody would say a bad word of someone attempting something like this, for a cause as good as it is. Those with barrows of their own to push need to do it in their own topic or thread, and keep this guy out of it.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Mon 14 Feb, 2022 5:47 am
by north-north-west
Disturbing dust is petty vandalism? Teensy bit hyperbolic, there.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Mon 14 Feb, 2022 6:23 am
by headwerkn
BS NNW, it’s a basic fact that smearing dry dust scratches a car’s paintwork and thus, you just don’t do it. Yes, glass is a bit more resilient but that’s not the point. You don’t go touching other people’s vehicles/property, period. It’s called basic courtesy. Whoever did this clearly lacks it, getting their two cents off their chest was obviously way more important.
And let’s be honest, the person who wrote this wasn’t interested in a serious conversation or actually discussing the matter with Levi. Otherwise they wouldn’t have gone about it in this cowardly manner.
Walkers have enough issues worrying about bogans et. al. when leaving cars at the end of far-flung forestry tracks for days on end. We do not need this nonsense from within the community itself.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Mon 14 Feb, 2022 7:58 am
by Nuts
taswanderer37 wrote: Its disgraceful that anybody would say a bad word of someone attempting something like this, for a cause as good as it is. Those with barrows of their own to push need to do it in their own topic or thread, and keep this guy out of it.
Can we leave out sooking for the cause, obviously nobody thinks that it's not a good cause
And yeah, true about the duco, but a whinge to clutch for.. Surely a whinge if whinges include showing concerns for overused wilderness..
Not my style, but i'm heartened that others care enough to comment anywhere. Maybe to be so bold, considering the possibility of retentives chasing them round carparks.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Mon 14 Feb, 2022 7:59 am
by doogs
headwerkn wrote:..Said scribe was simply grandstanding via petty vandalism - nothing more...
I'd never considered writing in dust on the back of a car as vandalism. My kids take great pleasure in scrawling "Clean Me' on the back of my car, friends draw 'pictures' on there too, and I repay the favour when I see their dusty car parked (maybe it wasn't my friends and I've got this all wrong..). But, yes, there probably is a bit of a line to draw (pun intended) in doodling (another pun) on a car that you do not know the owner of. Therefore, I can certainly agree that this wasn't the best way to start a discussion and I hope the person who wrote it might identify themselves with a response to Lewi's well written response on his Instagram post.
taswanderer37 wrote: Its disgraceful that anybody would say a bad word of someone attempting something like this, for a cause as good as it is. Those with barrows of their own to push need to do it in their own topic or thread, and keep this guy out of it.
No-one is saying a bad word about him in this topic. Please don't try and turn it into an argument. It is/was a discussion about an Instagram post that he put up on his wall about the 158 challenge. I still feel the question is a valid one for all to consider when it comes to publicity in wilderness areas. Personally I'm on the fence about this particular challenge, maybe slightly on the for side, but there are potentially others who will follow who do not have such good morals.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 23 Apr, 2022 2:28 pm
by Mechanic-AL
Wow...this bloke is having an epic crack at this ! My knees are aching just reading about his progress ( which seems to be slipping mostly under the radar ).
Must be some pretty snotty weather heading his way soon ??
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sat 23 Apr, 2022 3:21 pm
by lefroy
Definitely exceeding expectation, would be great if the bushwalking community could get right behind him with wallets out. It's a great cause and a ripper effort backing up walks with more walks!!
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Sun 24 Apr, 2022 8:06 am
by bumpingbill
Yeah he's absolutely smashing it by all accounts. Latest update seemed to be 106 done. A champion effort.
I'll definitely be donating soon.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Tue 26 Apr, 2022 9:17 am
by headwerkn
Off doing Federation today. Have to admit I genuinely thought he'd have slipped his schedule through weather or injury by now, but he's managing it like a champ. Everyone definitely needs to chip in some bucks for a good cause.
Re: 158 challenge - all the Abels in 158 days

Tue 26 Apr, 2022 10:51 am
by bumpingbill
Fed Peak! Wonder what’ll happen with The Needles?