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Cathedral mountain

PostPosted: Sun 02 Jan, 2022 5:58 pm
by Platty
Am planning to camp at lake chalice then a day trip possibly to tent tarn and twin spires or cathedral mountain depending on the difficulty of finding the routes
I believe it is cairned
Does anyone have a GPX file they could share??

Re: Cathedral mountain

PostPosted: Mon 03 Jan, 2022 2:18 am
by biggbird
You don't need one, there is plenty of info out there and an easily followed track.

Re: Cathedral mountain

PostPosted: Mon 03 Jan, 2022 7:51 am
by north-north-west
Agree with biggbird. Off-track walking in Tassie doesn't get much easier than Chalice to Tent Tarn to Cathedral and Twin Spires. Just get a map and some basic track notes and go for it.