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Theresa Lagoon to Lake Antimony

PostPosted: Fri 28 Jan, 2022 4:26 pm
by johnrs
Hi Folks
Looking for advice for the walk down to Lake Antimony.
Is the track along Powena creek still passable or now completely overgrown?
Is there a route down the Pine Tier through leads from the back of Theresa lagoon?

Re: Theresa Lagoon to Lake Antimony

PostPosted: Fri 28 Jan, 2022 4:59 pm
I followed the mapped route through there about a year ago, a lot of the way the track is fairly obvious but it's not much more than a wallaby trail really, I lost the track a number of times but it wasn't a big deal to make my way back in the right direction and eventually find it again.. The track wasn't taped but from memory there were occasional cairns

Hut-5 down there is interesting..

Edit: looking back at my GPS route reminded me I lost the track in the same area on the way down and the way back up, it was a bit of a scrub bash through that section, not really a big issue though, the circled area:

Re: Theresa Lagoon to Lake Antimony

PostPosted: Fri 28 Jan, 2022 5:26 pm
by Rexyviney36
We lost the pad and ended up boulder hopping down the creek.
Pad seemed easier to follow on the way back out.