biggbird wrote:You could just buy a few 1:100ks?
There are tracks they don't show.
The best thing about ListMap is that you can zoom into the 1:25,000 scanned maps or use the Topo layer. There are tracks on each that don't show on the other. And at least one track that only shows on the 1:100,000.
Of course, there are some fairly well-known routes - even taped pads - that aren't on either layer, but it's as good as it gets.
OSM also doesn't show some tracks and routes I would have expected to be on there, such as Cuvier Valley. Nothing is perfect.
bumpingbill wrote:Warin wrote:Such a thing could be made from OSM data ... officeworks could then print it out in the size you want.
Have you got any links/resources to where I could start learning about this? I've dabbled a bit with QGIS, but would love to play more with the OSM dataset.
If you have a Garmin GPS, start with andrewp's Garmin set-up. (go to the end of the thread and find the latest version).