Eastern Arthurs Traverse / Huon Track Post-Fire Updates

Anyone received any recent/reliable word on an updated reopening timeframe for the remainder of the Eastern Arthurs Traverse, Huon Tracks and Lake Rosanne area etc?? Last I heard - PWS were aiming for late-autumn 2022, but unsurprisingly this seems to have been pushed back similar to previous reopenings, and drawing it out into the middle of winter would no doubt help minimise a surge in early visitation. From all accounts - it sounds like Bechervaise Plateau campsite is in dire need of a toilet too...hoping that something of the sorts is installed before the next walking season!
Whilst searching for updates - I stumbled upon a fire service review of the management of the 2018/19 fires. I found the fire progression maps of particular interest to get an idea of the extent of each region. A link is attached below. The last time I walked the Huon/Yo-Yo Track it was a log choked mess - wondering whether this was cleared up at all throughout the works...used to be quite a lovely stretch of river...but assuming it to have been one of the most decimated areas
Lets hope PWS successfully mitigate the Phytophthora spread, and that all the works last many many more walking seasons to come!!
Whilst searching for updates - I stumbled upon a fire service review of the management of the 2018/19 fires. I found the fire progression maps of particular interest to get an idea of the extent of each region. A link is attached below. The last time I walked the Huon/Yo-Yo Track it was a log choked mess - wondering whether this was cleared up at all throughout the works...used to be quite a lovely stretch of river...but assuming it to have been one of the most decimated areas

Lets hope PWS successfully mitigate the Phytophthora spread, and that all the works last many many more walking seasons to come!!