crollsurf wrote:I've done dozens of multi-day walks of more than a week. I want to do the Arthur's as well, but I'm kind of nervous about it. Things could work out fine, but if they don't, you'll need experience and a level head. I generally walk solo, but there's no way I'd walk the Arthur's by myself.
The WAs are not a good place to start gaining experience.mountainous terrain with a pack will be a first for me
Roadtonowhere wrote:Carrying 14l of water for Oberon to Haven? You are going to have one hell of a tough walk doing that.
Warin wrote:Purifications Tablets ... take time to work ... 30 mins at least, 2 hours for Gardia/amibes. And that is clear water, if it is dirty .. then longer.
I'd look at the water sources from trip reports/maps .. and see how far you really need to carry water .. 10 l is 10 kg of weight.
Yes .. borrow an EPIRB from Parks.
I'd forget making bread on the track ... I would not feel like it, just take some from the supermarket - fuss free and quicker.
kRaydenH wrote: it wont be easy but honestly I think im prepared for the WAs
bumpingbill wrote:If you're going to do it, get a freaking beacon for *&^%$# sake. Don't be stupid. They're easy and cheap to hire.
CBee wrote:"What will you do, for example, if your tent gets shredded in the middle of the night at High Moor in below freezing conditions, with gale force winds and snow?"
Beside the toilet, between the shrubs, it's a decently sheltered spot in case of an extreme weather emergency. Just saying...
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