Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

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Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

Postby skibug » Wed 15 May, 2013 11:41 am

Hello all.

On the section of Bruce's Walk between Govett's Creek and Katoomba airfield, there is a crossing of Katoomba creek. When approaching from the east, the foot track swings left a couple of hundred metres before the gully, runs down through a small cleft in the cliff-line, crosses the creek, then zig zags up the other side, until reaching a fire trail (presumably an electricity commission road). However, when approaching from the west (airfield) side, you can follow that fire trail right down (it becomes a foot track) to the creek (in fact it is well maintained) - but is there a way from that point of the creek back up to re-join Bruce's Walk (ie. heading west)? There does not appear to be a suitable crossing, nor a track on the other side through the heavy undergrowth.

Any help suggestions greatly appreciated.

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Re: Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

Postby johnw » Fri 17 May, 2013 2:39 am

skibug wrote:On the section of Bruce's Walk between Govett's Creek and Katoomba airfield, there is a crossing of Katoomba creek. When approaching from the east, the foot track swings left a couple of hundred metres before the gully, runs down through a small cleft in the cliff-line, crosses the creek, then zig zags up the other side, until reaching a fire trail (presumably an electricity commission road). However, when approaching from the west (airfield) side, you can follow that fire trail right down (it becomes a foot track) to the creek (in fact it is well maintained) - but is there a way from that point of the creek back up to re-join Bruce's Walk (ie. heading west)? There does not appear to be a suitable crossing, nor a track on the other side through the heavy undergrowth.

Hi skibug. I know Katoomba Creek reasonably well in that area, and Bruces Walk on the eastern side to some degree, but I'm not sure I correctly understand your objective. I've done volunteer bushcare along K Creek for a number of years and have entered via Bruces Walk a couple of times from the east. You can certainly get across the creek from that point easily enough and should be able to continue on Bruces Walk up towards the airfield. I haven't actually done that as we always turn left or right and follow the creek. In February headed downstream towards the confluence with Govetts Creek; this area becomes a steep sided gorge in places. Generally the only navigable route is in the creek itself, which required a few deep wades/short swims in this section (we actually wore wetsuits for this trip). Coming from the west - I had a look at the online topo map and I think I see the firetrail you refer to but the map shows it terminating at a cliffline and I can't recall seeing it from in the creek. However I think RFS created a new section fairly recently - maybe in the last two years? If I do have the correct FT, and it terminates at or near KC, to get back to Bruces Walk you would need to travel (upstream) through the same bit of creek that we waded/swam/rock hopped down. A bit of fun in summer but I wouldn't do it at this time of year. Hope this helps to some extent, but if you can post an image of the relevant map section I could probably be more definite. Do a search on Katoomba Airfield from first setting the basemap to NSW map. When zoomed right in you can actually see Bruces Walk and its connections to nearby firetrails.
John W

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Re: Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

Postby Grabeach » Fri 17 May, 2013 7:58 am

Dick Rushton in the 1970s, then Jim Smith and Wilf Hilder in the mid 80s devoted a lot of time to locating and then clearing the original historic 1931 formation. I think the least you can do is to use it and so help keep it open.

As one who also has volunteered a fair amount of time clearing historical tracks, it really annoys me when people who usually have no idea of the historical background start creating there own pads in the vicinity of a constructed track. Typically these 'alternatives' are poorly graded hence erosion prone and even bypass aesthetic features of the walk. There sole purpose seem to be to save a few minutes on the principle that the shortest distance between two point is a straight line.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

Postby skibug » Fri 17 May, 2013 12:37 pm

Hey Grabeach,

Sorry if I've caused offence. I certainly was not trying to disrespect the work done by earlier bushwalking enthusiasts (nor yourself!), nor was I intending to create or promote an alternative route - it was simply a question born from general curiosity, and not knowing the area well wanted to learn as much about it as I could. In fact, I wasn't even 100 percent sure which track was the original Bruce's Walk, as I was puzzled as to why someone had gone to so much trouble to clear the track which extends from the end of the firetrail, if it wasn't the "formal" track. My understanding was that Bruce's Walk is not a National Park condoned track (correct me if I'm wrong), so I was wondering that the cleared section was perhaps the start of a new, preferred route.

I agree that it's a great piece of bushland and well worth preserving and exploring, and I certainly would encourage people to stick to the formed path and minimise any degradation.

I sincerely thank you for any work you've done on track maintenance, and admire your efforts for a largely thankless task.

All the best,

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Re: Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

Postby Grabeach » Sat 18 May, 2013 9:30 am

Thanks skibug, I appreciate you recognizing my concern. No offence taken. It is a bit of a thing with me and I can get a little aggro on the topic! I agree with johnw that the section of ‘track’ you found down to the creek was probably done by the RFS to provide access to water when burning off.

The history of Bruce’s Walk is interesting. As part of a contract to supply power to the BMSC, the Railways constructed a transmission line from their Lithgow power station to Lawson. This was the basis for the tourist track that was officially opened on 21/11/31, complete with a souvenir booklet. The names of the glens on the toppo map come from the booklet and relate to relatives of railway people. Cleary (of Blue Gum Forest fame) was head of NSW Railways at the time and likely played a part. A. Bruce was the transmission line surveyor.

Unfortunately part of the walk was submerged under Lake Greaves in 1942 and the Lawson to Bullaburra section became private property. Maintenance ceased during WW2 and the track forgotten. All this of course predated the declaration of the BMNP in 1959. Some of the walk is not in the NP, including, according to my 2nd Ed. toppo, the Katoomba Ck section.

Dick, a retired surveyor in his seventies, found a copy of the booklet and used it to locate parts of the track. Jim and Wilf then got involved, locating the rest and organizing the clearing. It was unofficially re-opened on 24/5/86 by Alderman Lawton. You are right in saying that the NP does not condone the track. Both they and the BMCC opposed the re-opening, though officially it had never been closed! Not having full control of the track, the NPs lack of interest is not surprising. In addition, maintenance of low usage tracks, no matter what their heritage, has never been a BMNP priority.

How to See the Blue Mountains - Jim Smith
Back to the Brink - Andy Macqueen (for Cleary info)
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Re: Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

Postby ribuck » Sat 18 May, 2013 9:58 pm

I have seen historic maps of Bruce's Walk, but what is the current route?

Presumably there is a route described in Jim Smith's book. Is that still the route one would walk today?
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Re: Bruce's Walk - Katoomba creek crossing - best way

Postby Grabeach » Mon 20 May, 2013 7:34 pm

For info:- How To See the Blue Mountains 1st Eds. 1982, 1984, 1986 (I have a copy) covers only the Upper Mountains and doesn’t mention Bruce’s Walk. The 2nd Ed. 1986 (I also have a copy) has the history and description of the whole walk, but a detailed map of only the Bullaburra to Wentworth Falls section. A later reprint of the 2nd Ed. has a comprehensive map showing the Wentworth Falls to Medlow Bath section (Jim gave me a copy of this map). Obviously this latter reprint is the one to get if you can.

I was thinking of putting a PDF version of the map on Photobucket, but decided not to because my copy is not that easy to read as it is and there could also be copyright issues.

The shown route would be historically correct and the one to follow at the time of publication. I can’t comment on its currency as I have not done the walk for quite a while and don’t know if the bulldozing of the so called ‘Black Line’ in that area several years ago destroyed any of the formation. Yet one more walk I must do again.

Correction to previous post:- The glens etc. are named after councillors, railway staff and their families.
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