by Grabeach » Sat 18 May, 2013 9:30 am
Thanks skibug, I appreciate you recognizing my concern. No offence taken. It is a bit of a thing with me and I can get a little aggro on the topic! I agree with johnw that the section of ‘track’ you found down to the creek was probably done by the RFS to provide access to water when burning off.
The history of Bruce’s Walk is interesting. As part of a contract to supply power to the BMSC, the Railways constructed a transmission line from their Lithgow power station to Lawson. This was the basis for the tourist track that was officially opened on 21/11/31, complete with a souvenir booklet. The names of the glens on the toppo map come from the booklet and relate to relatives of railway people. Cleary (of Blue Gum Forest fame) was head of NSW Railways at the time and likely played a part. A. Bruce was the transmission line surveyor.
Unfortunately part of the walk was submerged under Lake Greaves in 1942 and the Lawson to Bullaburra section became private property. Maintenance ceased during WW2 and the track forgotten. All this of course predated the declaration of the BMNP in 1959. Some of the walk is not in the NP, including, according to my 2nd Ed. toppo, the Katoomba Ck section.
Dick, a retired surveyor in his seventies, found a copy of the booklet and used it to locate parts of the track. Jim and Wilf then got involved, locating the rest and organizing the clearing. It was unofficially re-opened on 24/5/86 by Alderman Lawton. You are right in saying that the NP does not condone the track. Both they and the BMCC opposed the re-opening, though officially it had never been closed! Not having full control of the track, the NPs lack of interest is not surprising. In addition, maintenance of low usage tracks, no matter what their heritage, has never been a BMNP priority.
How to See the Blue Mountains - Jim Smith
Back to the Brink - Andy Macqueen (for Cleary info)