Sydney. Presentation of Mt Everest ascent.

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Sydney. Presentation of Mt Everest ascent.

Postby Wollemi » Sun 25 Aug, 2013 1:25 pm

A bloke with whom I used to crew a racing sloop around Sydney Harbour with; Steve Wyatt, is putting on a presentation of his successful climb of Mt Everest. Although rather a driven guy, I thought him to be a great raconteur with many a humerous anecdote. It should be a fresh perspective of oft reported material, actually!

Supporting the charity 'Bear Cottage' which is a hospice for children.

Venue: St. Bede's Anglican Church Drummoyne
14 College St, (Corner of College and Church Streets), Drummoyne NSW 2047
Date: Wednesday 28th August 2013
Time: 7pm for 7.30pm prompt start
Donation: $10 adult, kids free.

Everyone is welcome, so feel free to pass this invite on to anyone who may be interested.
Live everyday as if it were your last... one day you will be right.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Joined: Tue 24 Jul, 2012 10:32 am
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