Down on the Deua, again.

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Down on the Deua, again.

Postby kanangra » Thu 01 Jan, 2015 2:24 pm

After the success of my last trip into the Deua Valley back in September I decided a return visit was in order. So on the 2nd last day of the year I drove back down to Wyanbene Caves and dropped off my mate and gear whilst I drove back to the Berlang Camping area to park the car. This way we would have the car waiting for us at the end of the walk. Now all I had to do was jog the 11kms back to Wyanbene Caves to start the walk. I hadn't gone far when one of the locals gave me a lift. We got talking and he ended up driving me right out to the end of the road where I'd dropped my mate. This meant we were ready to set off at 10:30 much earlier than expected.

We began by climbing to the saddle below Wyanbene Trig where we picked up the end of the Minuma Range firetrail which we followed down to the Mongamulla trail. Here we turned left and headed down into the valley. It is a steep descent particularly near the bottom. Once across the river we walk up to the old property Alpine where we are greeted by Terry Hart a descendant of the Rankins who were pioneers of the valley. He offered us tea and biscuits and showed us his album of old photos of the valley and its inhabitants. We had to politely decline offers of lunch as we had a lot of ground to cover. We followed the fire trail as far as Parsons Ck where we took lunch by the bank of the river under the largest casuarina tree I have ever seen.

After lunch we crossed the river and picked up the old track on the far side which we were able to follow all the way down valley. The recent floods have rendered this track completely impassable to vehicles so we had the whole place to ourselves. What a wonderful afternoon it was walking under tall trees with the ground carpeted in green grass and a beautiful river crossing every kilometre or so to cool off. The water was crystal clear and there was not a weed to be seen growing anywhere. Magic.

It was early evening when we emerged onto the cleared slopes of "Woolla". Once this was home to the pioneering brother and sister, Vern and Neta Davis. They had taken me in and looked after me when I wandered in after being caught out doing this very trip over 35 years ago. I remember then being amazed how they were living, cooking on an open fire. No telephone. ( It arrived in 1989 just before Neta died the following year.) Current owner Peter Smith was only too happy to show us the old hut which has been preserved just as they left it with most of their possessions still in place. On nearly every wall hung a calendar going back at least to the early 1960's! What a time capsule this place is. Again we were unable to accept invitations to stay on as we had more ground to cover before making camp beside the river near Moodong Ck. It was a very pleasant spot on the soft grasses with tall she oaks overhead. A very pleasant evening was spent reliving the events of the day around the fire as gentle breezes blew down the valley.


Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Down on the Deua, again.

Postby kanangra » Wed 28 Jan, 2015 3:04 pm

It's taken a while but here are a few shots from the trip.

PC300529 (Medium).JPG
Deua River

PC300537 (Medium).JPG
Love that clear water.

PC300538 (Medium).JPG
Deua River

PC300546 (Medium).JPG

PC300551 (Medium).JPG

The second day we walked back to the Berlang campground via Bettowynd FT. This is not easy to find at the bottom but clear enough once you start to make height.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Posts: 1339
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Re: Down on the Deua, again.

Postby Theringofthedead » Fri 13 Feb, 2015 4:59 pm

Can be used or not.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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